Most young people do not pay income taxes currently, only the wealthy ones. So this reduction would only apply to already rich people.
Autres comptes / Other accounts:
Most young people do not pay income taxes currently, only the wealthy ones. So this reduction would only apply to already rich people.
I’m still using my FP3 that is now close to 4 years old. It’s still working great. I just changed the battery once, but that was trivial to do. I didn’t have to change anything else, but most parts are still available in their store.
I’ve not done this for a very long time, but I used to eat them like that aswell
Never ate any, and I don’t know of any restaurant close by that prepares them.
But then it’s a shame that the ones that have to suffer the most from this are the pedestrians (and animals, my dog is petrified every time that a motorbike passes by). We don’t have an easy solution for this, but fighting fire with fire is definitely not the way to go.
They usually are much noisier than cars which can be very annoying. But a big part of it is due to the type of people who ride them in my city, they usually really don’t care about others.
But if the motorbike is chosen and used correctly, they are better than most cars.
They also do it on their Mastodon account.
It may be a good way for me to get into Rust a bit more. And if it could help Lemmy as a whole at the same time, it would be positive for everyone.
So I’m definitely interested in this group.
I’m not sure that all apps let users set the language of a post.
I fully agree with you. I feel like 99% of open world games sacrificed the story and gameplay in the process.
The instance works really well :)
Ok that’s fair.
Honest question but do you really want to see content that is in languages that you don’t understand ?
I still agree that the UI needs to be clearer though.
During rush hour, it will definitely have an impact on the flow of traffic with most roundabouts, which are usually not very big (in France anyway).
Honestly, the only tourists that will really use a car are from «close» cities such Marseille or Toulouse. And they will choose the car because the Intercités train service is garbage, which has nothing to do with Montpellier’s public transports.
I fully agree with you. Especially since Proton will never implement all the features that Thunderbird offers.
I don’t use it much, but I do appreciate the one I have on my phone, since I don’t always have my BT earbuds with me. Whereas I usually always have some cheap wired earbuds somewhere with me.
An issue I have with trams is that they are very slow if not properly integrated in both the city layout and the general population of the city. For example, in Marseille, trams have to frequently compete with pedestrians and bicycles that keep walking/riding on the tram line. This doesn’t happen with buses (or not as frequently).
The one thing that makes them better than buses in Marseille is that trams are more reliable time-wise since they don’t have to share the road with cars.
You clearly do not know how things work in France. We have tons of things fiscally in place that make it so that in practice, you have to earn much more than that to truly pay taxes.
I don’t have time currenty to enumerate all of that, but I’ll come back to you later if I don’t forget.