I started mine in 2023. I got one experiment run and I probably won’t get to run another. My dissertation will likely be made up of just running different analyses with the existing data I have. So glad we chose a government more based on caring about which genitals were in which genital restricted sports than caring about funding things like my research on Alzheimer’s.
Scary that asking for a citation is considered contempting by some. That doesn’t back up what the other person said at all though. There’s a huge difference between saying a virus causes AD and saying that infections worsen cognitive decline in AD. I understand not everyone is experienced in reading scientific literature, but it’s important to recognize that and not spread misinformation if you don’t understand what is being described. The closest this paper gets is to connecting two things: infections cause inflammation and inflammation contributes to AD. Both of these things have already been known for a long time. This does not mean AD is a result of a virus or viral infections.