I can put my right glove on my left hand
I can put my right glove on my left hand
Hook up a Sony Walkman to your headphone port and hit the red round button
That would be Raid 2, a totally unnecessary amount of Raids
Is that why they are invading New Mexico?
Orher countries, the ones that dont have one, obviously
My neice is an actress and before a performance I always tell her I hopes she shatters her kneecaps… you know, for luck
I wish I could eat legumes
Local gov, we were directed to go to Hyper-V… We’ll see how it goes
Register a domain, Postfix, spamassassin, freebsd jails… Do it like we did in the early 2000s, it never got better
The NYTimes has sunken to the level of tabloid nonsense over a very short time period
That dude is a conspirator in so much fraud and turmoil throughout the entire world. He is literally an agent of chaos, trying to destroy democracy on a global scale
I might be confused as to what you mean, but you could do one plot with larger spacing and see how it compares to the one you pictured maybe?
Haha, yeah, those inserts… In my backyard experience with corn I ended up needing about 2 feet between plants. They get big and can easily have a 10-12" radius of leaves. Maybe thats what they truly mean by 8-12"? It’s okay and you have the right idea to try it and adjust each year.
Have fun!
Very cute! Unless I am seeing the scale wrong though, you’re going to have some very crowded plants. The problem with that is that you’ll probably have issues with rust and earwigs.
Shhh, I dont think we are allow to use the E word anymore