If I like a book from a library I buy it. Otherwise I pirate it online and read it to the point where I’m sure I like it
I hate this trend so much. Is everyone on the internet supposed to be 8years old or something?
In german media there is so much content about america even I sometimes get confused whoch country I actually live in.
The sony wf series sound honestly amazing. Not very repairable though. That counts for every brand though.
Schwalbe at least takes old tires back to recycle them. I can hand mine in at my bike shop. Maybe other brands have something similar.
Jesus christ that is appaling. What stupid fucking vehicles.
Well berlin is certainly a different place than the rest of germany. They are famous for their “berliner schnauze” like new york or paris are famous for honest and/or rude people.
For example?
Nope. In germany you can actually get a prostitute paid by your healthcare provider if you are disabled because it has so many benefits for your mental health. If you never even experience that important part of human life you can easily get depressed.
Look up your lcoal pokemon community on Campfire I met a ton of people through there, had many fun meetings over the years
I can recommend GPS games like pokemon go or Jurassic World Alive. Gives you some motivation and entertainment to walk once you get into it.
Even if they did accomplish a lot and the person is just talking about never reading it in headlines they look at every other week.
This is me every day with my two year old who asks why all day long.
Hahahahaha Bloodmouths sound so childish
I think anyone can benefit from playing fallout 1 and 2,since most people started on 3
Thats is an incredibly unrealistic take.
I never watch Trailers fully. Just 30seconds to get a feel of the movie.
Won’t catch me shitting outside because it’s natural. Only one of thosuands of examples.
It is not possible at all. No one familiar with German law and culture think this. This is not a talking point I have ever heard discussed seriously. There ist probably hundreds of reasons why it could never happen. Our legal framework ist very strong and we have a strong civil framework of resistance in case something goes in that direction.