Must be nice. I can’t even tie my shoes.
Must be nice. I can’t even tie my shoes.
It’s not illegal for the other party to include it, but it is absolutely censorship by any definition of the word.
Okay, but what’s the bad part here? That’s just a very generic overview of how donating works.
It is very different. Just because you and Joe don’t understand it, doesn’t mean you can misrepresent it like that.
They somehow still thought there was an adult in the room that would stop the worst if it for them. The plight of the peasants is beneath them; which puppet is presiding over which plot of land is unimportant; but if you threaten their high score (net worth), then they start paying attention.
All of the above?
Need to start spoofing user agent strings again.
It is nothing at all like single payer. At best it’s a slightly less shitty insurance.
It can be hard to tell anymore.
Oh yeah, I’m sure it had nothing to do with people like you yelling at people that they’re monsters for even slightly criticizing the DNC and Harris campaign.
That’s not single payer.
Sadly that changed with the Presidential Quarters. They minted them as legal tender for all presidents up to the then current president George W. Bush.
They have never once voted on single payer.
ACA was never going to be single payer. Lieberman played the bad guy to kill the public option, but it was pretty obvious it was only there to be bargained out in the first place.
Single payer, on the other hand, was never even considered to be an option.
The drama isn’t exactly their fault. There are a lot of rich organizations that want them to cease to exist. Most of which want track you online and/or shove ads down your throat.
There’s a reason so much anime these days is a salaryman dying on the job and reincarnating into a fantasy world.
He’s there because he is a willing toady and not a threat to Trump. No one would be willing to follow him.
Vance is much less capable than Trump (and yes, I realize the complete deapth of incompetence that would imply). The harm that he could do would be negated by the complete inability of anyone around him to take him or any threat from him seriously. Especially those on his own side.
Trump, at the very least, still has the threat of his rabid fans to wield.
The guy who literally changed the rules so he could stay in power indefinitely isn’t a dictator? Right, there is no point in continuing if you can’t agree on objective reality.
Steroids aren’t speech.