It’s Neco Arc Astolfo. X post from supposed OP
It’s Neco Arc Astolfo. X post from supposed OP
You are talking about the outcome being pointless, but I’d go further and say that the process of completing college is bullshit as well.
Forced to live in shoebox dorm room for the first year or more in many colleges, being given lectures that are quite simply shit the majority of the time - to the point that it was the norm to just stop attending lectures and basically just self-teach yourself the textbook - and often taking tests that fail to actually meaningfully test your comprehension of the subject. Then you leave, and quite often you completely forget a large portion of what you studied as you enter the job market and never have to apply that knowledge again.
Steal his look: Divine Powers, Healing, Immortality.
I have so many fidgets and always go back to pens and household items
My guy, we didn’t have widespread death squads or a third world war last time. What do you mean you couldn’t imagine a worse disaster than the first four years?
Plenty of people are toeing the line for starting a revolution (which will in fact be a second civil war), but no one has followed anyone who’s crossed it. I’m convinced that it’s going to get ALOT worse before it gets better.
Don’t try to Cook, it’s gotta be bloomy!
I’m drainin’ the whey, cuttin’ the rind, give it a taste please tell me it’s fine!