“Faster than the Speed of Life” - Steppenwolf
“Faster than the Speed of Life” - Steppenwolf
Nice to see the KLR reference!
Nice work
The ROI won’t be a step function, like the flick of a switch.
They’ve recovered half a billion in the first year.
My dad was in WWII in the Pacific and drew Kilroy for me when I was wee lad.
“This polish takes forever to dry…”
“What a hole!”
Hindenburg themed birthday party…
Reminds me of the quote:
“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.”
In the mid 80’s, a friend that worked in a hospital was telling about unusual names. My favorite:
Syphilis (SUH-fill-ess) - the word was on the mother’s chart, she liked it as a variant of “Phyllis”, and thusly named her baby.
I like to put a little bit of nutmeg in mushroom soup. It adds a little more dimension to the flavor.