That or live cd (well, most likely live usb nowadays)
Just a lvl 27 guy from 🇫🇮 Finland. Full-stack web developer and Scrum Master by trade, but more into server-side programming, networking, and sysadmin stuff.
During the summer, I love trekking, camping, and going on long hiking adventures. Also somewhat of an avgeek and a huge Lego fanatic.
That or live cd (well, most likely live usb nowadays)
I was going to give the example of the Carnival cruise ship that sank in the 2010s (I think) largely due to the captain’s incompetence[…]
That’s Costa Concordia. It received extra media attention and is mostly known due to the awful behavior of the captain who first directly caused the accident and then fled the ship before most of his passengers.
Google Tasks. Does not have all the features of other apps but does everything I need and was preinstalled
Telegram has a builtin support for proxies and the authorities probably won’t be able to block all of them
Good luck trying to “shut down” a open source software… Still sucks tho, why Nintendo gotta make so good games but be so shitty of a company otherwise
I don’t remember the exact article I was reading but doing a quick google search yields this one for example. And here’s the actual research paper:
I remember reading an article about how we’re already able to simulate basic tastes, like sweetness and sourness, digitally. So just you wait, we might have lickable HTML elements in the future
Nokia E71 with the full QWERTY keyboard. Loved it, even though the keys were too small to comfortable use. I guess technically speaking that’s still a smartphone so before that I had some Samsung flip phone, can’t remember the exact model
Good luck, because last time they tried to replace the Start menu with a new UI went so well…
Sadly Thinkpads no longer are what they used to be. I got the X1 Extreme Gen 5 couple of years back and have had all kinds of problems with it. Blue screens, problem with fans sometimes getting stuck at 100%, constant problems connecting to the dock, not to mention bad battery life… My coworker had to get a warranty replacement when the usb-c port stopped working without any apparent reason only after a month of use. And other coworkers with newer models are also reporting issues.