We have re-invented trains for the 500th time. Good job world.
I was trying to romance Lae’zel and was a bit taken aback at how blatant and easy it was. It didn’t seem particularly realistic or well done to me. We were basically just traveling companions and then a single dialogue option was enough to initiate romance. I’ve basically never talked to her before so this seemed rather sudden. Perhaps the games assumes a lot of hidden dialogue that travelers would engage in, but when the rest of the game feels realistic it seems out of place. Maybe she is just the type of person that is really open romantically, but considering others have felt the same way about many of the other characters I suspect this is not the writers intention. Then after having intimate relations it seemed to have no relevance to the story and the character didn’t even care that it happened. The intimate scenes themselves were also rather lackluster and didn’t show anything explicit. I’m not sure why the character creation had you so vividly pick what type of genitals you wanted if it was irrelevant to the intimacy scenes.
But instead of a population of 100 with small houses you will get a population of 1000 because they built 10 apartment complexes. I think I’d prefer the small houses didn’t have lawns and left the nice trees and natural growth.
That isn’t a good justification to me. If it’s ok for you then it’s ok for the rest of the world too. You might believe ads aren’t bad and that’s fine. At least we can agree to disagree on that as our opinions aren’t reconcilable. If your app can’t exist without ads then I don’t believe it should exist at all. Or any other software in the world.
I completely agree. I like the concept of Mastodon and like that it exists, but I just can’t get into the idea of following individual or organizations rather than topics. Thankfully Lemmy is a thing.
Put it simply I just hate ads. Anything that puts in ads is terrible. Including Sync for Lemmy who seems to have completely missed the point of getting the hell away from Reddit.
The next terrible thing is automatically generated content and bots, but I guess those are also really just ads.
I’m also convinced these are really just paid for by Apple ads. I’ve never seen anyone care about such a thing.
Report as spam and unsubscribe. If they send you more emails they are in violation of the law for the canned spam act.
I understand the headphones in this scenario would be made by Sony which is why it being partnered with Noctua seems kind of pointless. They don’t bring anything to the table when it comes to headphones beyond the color scheme.
No, because Noctua is not just a color scheme it is a company known for making quality fans. I don’t care about brands. I care about quality products and as far as I’m aware they have never produced headphones before or know anything about making headphones.
The pay for this job is that you won’t take away their rights? I’d hate to see the other jobs you’re offering. 😅
Unfortunately everything is an ad now. It’s the only way these sites are capable of surviving.
I’ve never seen this show, but that guy 2nd on the left looks like some kind of skater punk in space. And that thing on the far right just makes me laugh because of how serious he is being while looking like that. I need to watch some of this just to see what it is like.
When looking into this show awhile back I heard something about how the CGI effects were done in 4:3, but then a latter release was in 16:9 so all the CGI was stretched because they couldn’t re-render the CGI. Are they implying that this is going to be resolved with this release?
That all sounds reasonable. I’ll be sure to watch it when I have time. There are a lot of them though. Do you know where a good place to start is?
The plot of the Blame! movie is almost non-existence in the manga. Some elements of it are in there for sure, but I would not consider it even attempting to adapt the manga. But at the same time it doesn’t really matter due to the nature of the manga. Which is basically Killy going on an adventure over an indeterminate extremely long period of time across an indeterminate seemingly infinite distance. Since his adventure is basically endless the events of the movie could conceivably happen at any point in the manga.
So the only problem with the movie is that it ends. Which means you don’t really understand how endless his journey is.
I’ve also just never seen Macross. The art always looked beautiful, but I’ve never picked it up because I didn’t understand the concept of the singing in a sci fi setting. I’m sure I would enjoy it whatever is going on, but I’ve had endless other things to watch and read.
I think seeing this movie in theaters in the 60s would have a drastically different impression on me. Being in my 30s I obviously wasn’t alive when this movie was released. I have seen so many other wonderously imaginative works of science fiction leading up to having seen this one a few years ago. It is difficult for me to imagine this movie, which still holds up today, as being one of my first introductions into the genre in a time where such visuals and concepts were not really a thing yet.
I suspect there is a lot one could glean from the story on a personal level, but after having finished it I didn’t feel like I have learned anything new about the world, society or myself. It’s highly possible that I missed the point or moral of the story they were going for. It was definitely an experience to remember though.
What does it mean to “Shout down a speaker”? What are they speaking about and what is the purpose of shouting at them?