its not hard to extract the image or video from the webp container.
its not hard to extract the image or video from the webp container.
Burns is no fool and trump is a huge fool. A fool with no decency for sure but still a fool.
I read this as repressed fundie likes anal.
they never see consequences. Rarely and usually on after some serious media attention.
From the US here. They have uses as work trucks but the majority of these bro-dozers are pristine and have have never hit any water deeper than a pothole in the road.
Everyone has to hate something to feel better about themselves. I’ve tried alpine and no thanks. Its great if someone likes it but I’ll just stick with what has been working for nearly 20 years.
They worship magnets.
Its not that they don’t read it. They only read the self serving parts of it. They ignore the parts that they don’t agree with. This of course makes them false christians. They focus on the ten commandants but ignore the slavery and outright barbarism in the rest of the old testament. For the majority of false american christians its the pick and choose part of the bible. They also ignore the teaching of Jesus in the new testament. The parts that tell them to be tolerant, to not cast the first stone are reinterpreted to to take offense at anything that someone else does that they do not like. All their hate and all their hang ups are their own but they use their version of the bible to support their hate and intolerance. None of them ever question how god seems to always want what they want. Destruction.
Their mistake since it makes the word lose all meaning. When they broaden the meaning of the word past its accurate intended use. It makes it a empty epitaph used for anyone who disagrees with any part of their goals. The goal in this case is the destruction of Palestine and its people.
Not just them but works fine usually.
I gave up on rule 33 a long time ago.
Those must be the ones he can’t pay to manipulate.
That guy is the king of wrong. Every move just guarantees more pain and suffering but those idiots keep voting for him.
Its a con. Its not called that but in reality with all the convoluted rules and payment streams its simply a con. This is the only country on earth that allows this level of corruption.
Perfect people expect a perfect politician. Lots of perfect people out there. /s
Its why I usually put a prize in the room and when its over I point them toward it. A toy or a treat usually.
No amount of color or flair can make one of those look good. They are the ugliest vehicle I’ve ever seen and I see dozens of over sized bro dozers everyday.
Narcissist never think they are the cause of their problems.
I think the point is that he quit playing a long time ago but can’t bring himself to delete it. Even to free up a bit of space.