I worked crisis intervention for a few years. I have arrived to probably a dozen or so suicides. About a half dozen left these huge manifestos.
Every. Single. One. Got thrown away, 2 had family members toss it in front of me. Turns out your loved ones do not often want to read the crazy shit you killed yourself over, especially when it ultimately changed nothing. One individual had 1000+ pages written, the family wanted nothing to do with it.
I’m not pro-suicide for anything. Most of these people are just depressed. It’s not resolve when you’re giving up on life.
I had a 7 year old girl brought to the hospital I worked out of at the time, while I was employed as a crisis intervention worker.
Flipping out, screaming, punching, kicking, biting, as they try to secure her on the stretcher. She kicks her mother in the face in the process, bad bloody nose, possibly broken, blood starts pouring out, 7 year old starts giggling and pointing at her mother as this happens.
Ya got me what the answer is to these situations.