Walk in, press on button, hang up jacket and get stuff out of bag, type in password, grab coffee.
That’s a pretty common morning pattern I see.
Walk in, press on button, hang up jacket and get stuff out of bag, type in password, grab coffee.
That’s a pretty common morning pattern I see.
If it’s only you (or your household) that is accessing the services then something like hosting a tailscale VPN is a relatively user friendly and safe way to set-up remote access.
If not, then you’d probably want to either use the aforementioned Cloudflare tunnels, or set up a reverse proxy container (nginx proxy manager is quite nice for this as it also handles certs and stuff for you). Then port forward ports 80 and 443 to the server (or container if you give it a separate IP). This can be done in your router.
In terms of domain set-up. I’ve always found subdomains (homeassistant.domain.com) to be way less of a hassle compared to directories (domain.com/homeassistant) since the latter may need additional config on the application end.
Get a cheap domain at like Cloudflare and use CNAME records that point domain.com and *.domain.com to your dyndns host. Iirc there’s also some routers/containers that can do ddns with Cloudflare directly, so that might be worth a quick check too.
That hit my timeline the other day. The amount of work that has been put into that video must have been insane.
Kinda the same thing as winrar. They rather have consumers get used to it so the companies they work at have a higher chance of buying licenses. That’s where the real money is.
Didn’t some company have a script running that would randomly kill stuff to always test redundancies?
I vaguely recall someone telling me that about netflix
That’s ThinkPads tho
There’s a couple SD-WAN solutions out there that you can do this with. Essentially route all your traffic through one or more VPSes while still keeping things like port forwards and STUN working properly.
I’ve had to use it to enable proper video feeds to and from people that had Spectrum as their ISP.
HEVC actually requires a $1 license you can get from the ms store. It’s a royalty thing. OEMs often ship PCs with that license already enabled.
There are more applications than just windows Media Player that won’t play hevc files/streams without that license installed.
VLC doesn’t really seem to care about those things though and it’s better than the default anyways.
Russia is essentially an oil company with the added “benefit” of owning an army to protect their business interests.
Making a typo in the BGP config is the internet’s version of nuclear Armageddon
A lot of sensors/gauges in industrial applications are retrofitted with lorawan or similar remote readout capabilities right now. Battery life for these devices is already a big design consideration, especially since not all locations are easily accessible.
With a power source like this you would essentially charge a capacitor, use the stored charge to do a sensor read and short data burst, and then wait for the next charge.
I watched Peter Pan as a toddler and later that day tried to fly down the stairs. Broke my collarbone in the process.
It does exist, its called 801.11ah or wifi HaLow
That standard is mainly designed for things like IOT and wireless security cameras, but nothing stops you from getting an HaLow access point and network adapter.
I have a 4gbit line, and while I usually use Usenet to download a lot of torrents still easily reach 2-3gbit up/down.
I’m working in live video and there’s a lot of proprietary codecs out there that vlc doesn’t play by default. Most of those are lossless/very high bitrate lossy formats designed to be encoded and decoded quickly for things like instant replays, so not something the average consumer would get their hands on.
Chiming in a bit further on this. Quite a few (Google) devices and apps have started using DNS over Https servers to circumvent things like pihole. Blocking known IP’s on my firewall has helped effectiveness quite a bit.
Modding used to be extremely easy and detection systems weren’t implemented yet back in the day. I have an account with billions in cash just for being in the same lobby as one.
These days you’re still free to ruin everyone’s day with all sorts of griefing mods, but once you try and spawn in cash daddy rockstar gets angry at you.
Searching for that Miele C1 canister that’s being talked about and it’s one of those wheeled ones you pull along behind you.
To me that’s just the standard type of vacuum that literally everyone has except for the few flashy gits that have a cordless ‘upright’ one.
I just carry my laptop with me while walking around during meetings.