Hopefully. Would be nice to have an actually left wing Dem party
Hopefully. Would be nice to have an actually left wing Dem party
You ever feel like the dems don’t pack the court not because they want “the moral highroad”, but because they want the conservative rulings while crying victim?
Because it feels like it sometimes
Hey now, the rich are pushing forth their own space programs by leaps and bounds so they can nickle and dime everybody who wants to flee the incoming asteroid
I did not, for I was a loser who didn’t know slang
No it isn’t, that’s like saying, “Don’t feel sad” is a double negative
A double negative is something like, “Don’t not do that”
I am damned well sure I could take one (would get battered, but I’d come out on top, just need to get it by the neck once)
The problem is those fuckers live in flocks
Oh yeah for sure. It’s why I think his later fire is due to him being pissed - I’d be pissed at myself too if I got thrown off by something I should have KNOWN was coming
Hence him getting pissed after. Embarassment due to being stomped by a strategy he knows about
My bet is that Trump’s stream of bullshit just threw Biden off completely, and his quick recovery to that fiery speech was him getting pissed that he got curbstomped by Shitler in a debate
Next debate should hopefully be VERY different
It’s freaky how much this is mirroring the lead up to Nazi Germany. Right down to a convicted criminal spewing nonsense yet looking poised to take over
I am legitimately scared
Best case scenario is both Biden and Trump dropping
I’m confused how two different people mixed the Forest Temple up with The Great Deku Tree
Anyways, glad you found the missing key. Peopls love to claim the Water Temple is confusing, but the Forest Temple is just as good at twisting you up and making you miss keys
Tip for upcoming water temple btw - The animation does not show it in the original game, but a platform at the bottom of the central tower floats up and reveals a hidden passage. This one spot trips up a TON of people
God I hope so. A literal one taking him out would be wonderful
Death by bone cancer
So lick the non stick pans to sterilize myself?
When it tells me I am successful and wanted
Wait, the lines indicate the channels!?
Completely agreed. Just need to figure out how to get at the rich, since they like to keep people in poverty
10% income fine for somebody poor could mean the difference between eating or not
10% income fine for somebody rich can hurt, but they’ll still be VERY comfy
And that’s assuming loopholes are closed that let them have no income but be rich
Have the GoP and the traitors on the supreme court taste the death penalty. Then repeal all this crap they put in place (no way to override the GoP all being dead after the fact. I’d go with banishment or any other number of things if it was guaranteed to work, but the only thing that can’t potentially be lifted after the fact is death)