The HDMI forum is run by big companies so that is not happening, sorry
The HDMI forum is run by big companies so that is not happening, sorry
I’m not an anti-systemd extremist. I use Void because it is a simple distro that doesn’t break as often as Arch does, while also being very up-to-date.
I do have some things I dislike about systemd though which is why I will continue avoiding it in the future.
Also using a Distro without Systemd is not really that hard
I’m 20. I don’t feel this way but maybe that’s because it’s been this way since I learned to think. I really hope for a revolution in the US
I’m currently dating someone who is not diagnosed with something but is definitely not neurotypical. I only dated one person before when I was 16 and that didn’t really go well, we didn’t talk much I don’t know how it worked really. That first relationship was with a neurotypical person
Yeah but it’s only for Webkit. Apple Webkit is deliberately neutered so webapps don’t work well with it so that people don’t use them and rather buy “real” apps in the app store
Let’s see how well it works before congratulating. I have a hunch it won’t work well
Depends on if you want to work with existing code. LLMs tend to be good at generating small code snippets but not good at understanding / finding errors in existing code
You can do
ps aux | grep -i <part of process name>
and the PID is in the second column of the output. However for this use case I recommend a process manager like htop or btop
It’s easy. Just open up a terminal and type
kill $PID
(Replace the $PID with the process id of the process) if you don’t know the process id you can do
killall process_name
If these don’t work you can add a -9
to banish them and give them no chance to resist
What? This meme is about a transaction between two trans people but that doesn’t mean all Paypal users are trans. But I agree that PayPal is proprietary software and should be banished. I will delete my account now. I planned to do it for a while but haven’t got around to it yet
they’re probably going to improve it further
My opinion. The Israel situation is being popularized because they want to divide and distract the people from the issues in their own countries caused by unregulated capitalism
They wouldn’t get banned. That’s the problem. The article mandates that these certificates are exempt from the usual repercussions for acting out
Me and you, because I’m unlovable too <3
Oh so what you’re trying to say is that, because the license they chose is not on this list, it’s not open source. Stupid take IMO but you do you
It is not free software but it is open source. Stop gatekeeping the term. I can look at the code and modify it to my hearts content. I can also watch as the project is being developed. That means it’s open source. It would be free software if you where also allowed to redistribute it but I can fully see why they do not want that
This post makes me so mad. Holy shit. It’s Autism, they’re lives aren’t ruined. I have autism and I’m very glad to be alive. The person that has made this comment spends way too much time on the internet and not enough interacting with people offline.
Antinatalism is a thing that could only thrive on the internet in a community full of people that get fed nothing but bad news all day. Go outside. The world isn’t as bad as you think
Usually Chad VoidLinux because it avoids the Unix-philosphy ignoring piece of garbage systemD but now I’m trying NixOS