nothing. I am a very ordinary earthling in a very ordinary and nondescript living area. Everything is very very typical and does not stand out at all.
I am very typical earthling. I like earth food and earth drink and earth sports and earth media. Im all about earth things because I am so typical and earthling. so typical as to be very boring and not worth investigating or looking into because I am definately from earth.
nothing. I am a very ordinary earthling in a very ordinary and nondescript living area. Everything is very very typical and does not stand out at all.
least running, most canceled. Ok I guess I like this scuba one I had. Honestly the whole change twice and shower in the middle of the school day is sorta a pain.
I look like a greek god with a body rippling with muscles and a shock of flaming red hair. Not that you asked but im also incredibly honest and always tell the truth. Unlike this other guy I don’t guard a door with.
I work from home so whatever. If I go into the office I wear black jeans, a polo, and my business crocs.
Even if the US had 2024 intelligence at the time they would have still went after the rest of al kaida, in particular the rest of the leadership. It is sorta funny because I think they did buy into bin ladens press who ended up being just like trump or others. rich guy not going to be living in a cave and surprise surprise actually lives in luxury while pretending to be this cave dwelling freedom fighter man of the people.
yes, although even if the US had 2024 intelligence at the time they would have still went after the rest of al kaida, in particular the rest of the leadership. It is sorta funny because I think they did buy into bin ladens press who ended up being just like trump or others. rich guy not going to be living in a cave and surprise surprise actually lives in luxury while pretending to be this cave dwelling freedom fighter man of the people.
yeah. I even heard the bin laden guy was a saudi /s
To be fair afghanistan was where bin laden was holed up.
certainly. even lower. Some people can be vigorous in their seventies but they are not the majority, 50’s many go down. That is one problem with raising the retirement age in general. There is only a subset that can keep working as age goes up.
Im more a stan ridgeway fan than wall of voodoo. I remember picking up a cassette way back and was very disapointed and did not understand what happened. Its only decades later that I found out. Its like tull and ian anderson for me even though the band has never not had him hes pretty much the influence I like. ironically im not wild about his solo stuff. I find he really needs some good artists to keep him grounded. Stan on the other hand, I like his solo stuff.
fine young cannibals, wall of voodoo/stan ridgeway.
wait. wait. wait. new york is the polite side?!
drinking a mountain dew. well diet now. well diet doctor pepper. everythings getting expensive. sinces its a game and fantasy let me have a regular mountain dew.
What really gets me is when I was young there was little to no plastic and we had plenty of convenience food with mainly paper, glass, and metal.
its worse living in a condo. The chance everyone will put in appropriate things 100% each week to the recycling dumpster is pretty much nill and then it gets mixed up in a truck with the other area condos. I wash my stuff but am almost certain its all going to landfills.
One more thing. Be careful of eating or drinking anything either of them might have had access to you that you alone are consuming. Seriously. The whole car thing is one step away from ruffying.
Being a guy I have always been aware of slimey guys and even I found the “typical” male to be aweful. I realized females sorta had their own thing with that but it always seen it as not quite as scary a level as jerk males. That being said my wife has had experiences and I am telling you now to get the fuck away from both of them as much as possible. avoid being alone with either of them if you have to interact with them. They are predators and they see you as prey. By no means stay on good terms with Ann. Just because she is a woman does not mean she would not want things happening to her that she would not want for yourself. Go watch the original version of wes cravens “The Last House on the Left”. Im sorry but assume Ann is sadie from the film.
why not do something like the us foodstamps but make it more like a universal citizens income type of thing were everyone gets it.
if thats the case mine is going to be something like “whos a good girl?”
As an adult I hate gifts in general. If I wanted something I would have gotten it and if its something I could not get it would usually be so expensive as to be quite embarrassing. Rarely someone comes across a great deal on something I would want or is something that I would want that is not to expensive but not commonly available but then such opportunities are not just rare but almost never happen close enough to a gift giving occasion (as we do such things in society). As such I almost never want them and do not like to give them except when the rare opportunity arises and then out of the blue. This tends to fluster the recipient who then seeks to get something inane for me.