Yeah, imagine trying to hit that while you’re turning the wheel
Yeah, imagine trying to hit that while you’re turning the wheel
Capacitive button on the wheel
90% of doomscrollers log off right before they meet their doom
That’s nothing. My workplace disabled copy/paste on everyone’s work iPhones completely. Not in their own apps but system wide. Apparently that’s something ios allows them to do. Doesn’t affect me much because I use the phone as a glorified dual auth token but some people have it as their primary phone.
I highly recommend Living Skyrim. It takes around 300gb storage but it’s absolutely worth it.
Is this a Black Mirror episode or something?
We just had a vote for government officials along the EP vote. Less than 60% turned up which means the most common vote was a vote for nothing. The average voter doesn’t care.
It’s okay. I played Borderlands 3 with voices off, only sfx/background sounds/music. I’m sure I can do the same with this. Maybe turn picture off too while I’m at it.
S stands for slow, right?
I recently switched over my ARR stack to only use usenet. Working well now but you really need a good indexer. The public ones are just not quite good enough.
My Brother in Christ, WTF is a sCiEnCe?
Is this a US thing? Does it cover the entirety of chemistry, biology and physics (and maybe maths or geography)?
Would you even be able to move it? You’d have to put it in neutral first so you can attempt to push it but good luck with that if it’s bricked. I know electric cars generally shouldn’t really be towed either (a few meters might be okay but I’m not sure).
I’m still looking for something to replace my shield TV tube. I don’t believe that has AV1 support.
Homing Pigeons 🪽?
Features out the wazoo and an insane amount of customisation available to the user via Goodlock, but also some quirks.
Here are my highlights: limit charge to 80% to conserve battery health; custom shortcuts when dragging from the side of the phone based on the angle of your swipe; not sure what app just woke the screen or sent a notification that disappeared? You can get a log of all of these activities; add a dedicated 2x crop button to the camera app; send audio from different apps to different sound outputs simultaneously; a whole stack of s-pen features ranging from useful to very niche (quick lock screen note, screen crop, use pen as camera shutter); and many more.
There are some annoyances also: you can’t have an infinite scrolling app drawer, it has to have pages; using icon packs from the play store is annoying and the Samsung theme store sucks.
Overall I like one UI 6 but there is always some room for improvement.
Low key I’ve been checking in on Fallout London every now and then. I have no expectations, as these projects seem to fail most of the time before thay can even release, but if they actually manage to finish it, I’ll definitely play it. Another one in keeping on my radar is Morrowind in Skyrim, that one is in a much earlier stage though.
In a fucked up way this comment kinda made me excited for this movie.
You’re probably right, sadly