A victory that will solidify China and Russia and embolden them against Taiwan, moving us straight into WW3. A little deterrence could go a long way right now.
A victory that will solidify China and Russia and embolden them against Taiwan, moving us straight into WW3. A little deterrence could go a long way right now.
You had me until your last sentence.
Thanks Obama and the EPA. Bring back baby pickups!
I can’t think of a switch you won’t ever need. I think the “sce to aux” story is a good example of when you need it you need it.
The motor could turn with the wheel. You could have a wheel-motor without the excessive unsprung weight of the motor components.
It still has corners that need to have a moving seal. This is a huge issue.
It’s pretty smart. It is like a wheel-motor but without all the unsprung weight.
They aren’t. Light ircraft now use touchscreens that you are supposed to use while bouncing around. They had a knob for a while but then it seemed touchscreens took over. With the knob you still had to look, it at least you didn’t have to aim at a bouncing spot on the screen.
Also make them illegal in aircraft! And spacecraft! Seriously stupid.
I like location based games, like Niantic has done, but with much less backstory.
There are some bitter people here.
You can’t put 80,000lbs of sprinkler in a van. You can’t tow 80,000lbs of sprinkler with a van.