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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • I can give you the only true answer to your question of “what can I do today to help fight climate change?” But you won’t like it and this ‘solution’ does not preserve society in really any meaningful way, however it does help to address climate change and prevent the entire natural world from dying of heat stroke. So the question becomes, what do you want to save? You can’t save everything and trying to do so will only result in you saving nothing.

    The answer is large scale industrial sabotage. And when everything grinds to a halt and people start starving to death because of no industrialized food production and various other factors, you will regret the actions. As you and your own family fall victim to violence over food or land because everyone is panicking and trying to survive, you will likely regret it more. But then in 1000 years, there may still be people alive to call you a monster, if they remember you at all.

  • So if someone threatens to burn down an orphanage while outside the orphanage screaming with cans of gasoline, should they be charged? Should they be put into jail? Because that’s the same free speech and free thought your advocating for and claiming the left is wrong for going in and beating the shit out of the dude. You’re delusional and possibly simply afraid of violence.

    Sometimes, the appropriate response to a threat is to REMOVE the threat with copious violence. As in Enders Game, “I didn’t want to just win this fight, I wanted to win all the future fights too.” Paraphrasing a bit there but you want to tolerate hatred and evil, to let it fester. The only thing fascists understand is direct force, so we will show it to them.

  • Except the system is broken and voting doesn’t help. No matter how much you want it to. Your vote is irrelevant to the DNC because they will pick whatever candidate they want anyways. It’s on THEM that Trump and Bush won. Not wanting to interact with a system so blatantly corrupt does not make me a bad person, and fuck you for claiming such. Maybe if there were confidence in LITERALLY ANYONE in government, young people would see the point in doing anything. The Dems are only there to lose to the Republicans while raking in donations and saying, ‘we just need to try HARDER!’. When they just roll over at the first sign of resistance from the right.

    I’m so tired of you idiots claiming that voting is going to stop fascism. Liberals will tolerate fascism. They will bitch and moan and then go to work at the death camp.

    Fuck that. I’m gonna kill fascists instead.

    • Is it a big-tent party of unity, or not?
    • Does my voice matter, or not?
    • Do you care about my voice, or not?
    • If progressive/left wing voters are such a minority as to not be worth considering, then why get so twisted if they vote third party or sit it out?

    If the DNC wanted left coalitions or big-tent unity, they’d end FPTP elections and kill superdelegates. They can do both, but won’t try either. Bully coalition wings into unity every two years, then back to business as usual 😎

    Just quoting Milk-Sheik from above here. If they need leftists votes, then fucking earn them. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

  • I’m not claiming there is a secret cabal of evil doers conspiring to ruin everything. But the interests of the rich all align and so they are all largely working towards the same thing. Having money in politics corrupts every single person in it, though to varying degrees. Both sides are very clearly bad. But also very clearly not to the same degree. I agree that Biden has done a lot that is good. But his whole platform is attempting to maintain status quo and while I haven’t mentioned this before, my main concern is climate change.

    Climate change is going to FUCK everyone. It is already and there is virtually no time to daudle about with half measures and false promises. There have been policies that claim to help and may even attempt to in good faith but they are consistently coopted or corrupted by lobbiests before being implemented or circumvented after. There needs to be strong, decisive action taken to reign in carbon emissions and not just do carbon offsets because carbon offsets are never going to solve this problem. All they do is delay actual action. The main reason I am so fucking angry with Biden is because he’s fucking ancient and simply doesn’t feel the same urgency as someone who will actually live with the consequences of the recklessness and stupidity of fossil fuels companies.

    Everything he has tried to do with regards to this only ends up enriching companies further or passing the blame off to the poor of the country who have no other options than to use fossile fuels. I want someone who will take these oil oligarchs (Oiligarchs is something I saw once and it made me chuckle) to task and actually reign in their insane greed and violence against the natural world. He would and could never even dream of actually doing so. No one the DNC would ever allow to be the candidate would.

    There is literally no time left to enact action but here we are twiddling our thumbs while Republicans debate whether Texas should secede for some insane reason. It’s all distraction. I’m pissed the fuck off at it all and the ineffectiveness of liberal policy. They are all meek cowards who only exist to lose against the Republicans and then shrug and claim "well at least we tried. :( "

  • You say that as though the entirety of the DNC leadership didn’t unite against Bernie Sanders when he was the clear front runner over Hillary. And again, in 2020. I agree, more people need to vote in the primaries. But there is clearly meddling and coercion happening behind the scenes to ensure an appropriately corporate candidate is selected.