We need to bulldoze places like where you grew up and build sustainable developments.
I’m literally an environmental scientist.
The alternative is human extinction. And that may be more realistic, but if there’s any chance of survival, it has to come from hope.
America used to have these things called streetcar suburbs, and they’re awesome. The entire suburb is built around a tram station, it’s walking distance from everyone and it goes on to the nearby suburbs and eventually the city. Modern zoning laws make streetcar suburbs illegal to build, but a few of them still exist, and people love living in them. The rent prices in streetcar suburbs have been raised greatly due to the high demand. If we started building streetcar suburbs instead of car suburbs, everyone would be able to afford to live in one. They’re also cheaper to build in terms of land, plumbing, and utilities. The road upkeep is cheaper and the people in them are happier.
Overnight? No. Within 5 years? Yes.
I seriously think petrol cars should be 100% banned by 2028, and that it should be illegal for petrol stations to operate.
It is estimated that 83% of the U.S. population lives in urban areas
Roughly 80 percent of Americans live in urban areas, according to the U.S. Census Bureau
In 1790, only about one out of every twenty Americans (on average) lived in urban areas (cities), but this ratio had dramatically changed to one out of four by 1870, one out of two by 1920, two out of three in the 1960s, and four out of five in the 2000s.
Yes, I have. And being an australian, our rural areas are a lot more rural than the rural areas most of these americans are from. Now I’ll tell you a secret: There’s a good reason australia was mostly empty before colonisation, and there’s a very common sense reason why australia’s environment has been dying ever since then.
Back then, they were walking to the general store or the doctor’s office if they lived in town, and they were riding their horse if they were a farmer living out in the fields. Today, we have such inventions as bicycles and paved roads to replace horses. The future is now!
That’s not true.
I hate to be the one to break this to you, but people travelled in the country before cars were invented
If everyone bowled their shopping carts into traffic, people would stop driving their cars through shopping center carparks. Think of all the good we could do.
I’m concerned about the definitions of some of the terms in these rules
What does it mean to be kind? Do you have to agree with everyone? Are you allowed to say the fuck word?
What does it mean to attack other people? Are we talking ad hominem, or is making an argument with a stern tone of voice an attack?
Where is the line between opinion and action drawn? Is it okay to attack people for driving cars? That’s not an opinion, it’s an action, and it kills people, but I have a feeling certain people would say no anyway
What is a double post? Do you mean repost or crosspost?
He seems really angry and I think people should give him some space. Being the #1 advocate for walkability and transit in the world isn’t easy. He must get so much hate from carbrains.
Will it be a woke gender neutral bathroom?
Vulkan is a fascist military leader.
How did you train yourself to feel hungry? I need to take medicine to feel hungry and I want to take control of it
My grandma used to say she didn’t give a fuck about climate change because she’s old and she’ll be dead before it destroys the earth. Now she needs the air con to live in summer. I hope she dies of heat stroke.