If it wasn’t for the genocide of the Native Americans I likely wouldn’t either, or at very least be a different person. That doesn’t change one’s subjective experience or the objective facts of either things.
If it wasn’t for the genocide of the Native Americans I likely wouldn’t either, or at very least be a different person. That doesn’t change one’s subjective experience or the objective facts of either things.
This isn’t even Socialism, this is just a basic provision against being a Dystopia.
365 days in a normal year, even 73 weeks a year… make Leap Day a special case that’s never part of a week (ie. week ends, Leap Day, next week starts) and that’d be quite nice. I’d also want to fix time units on a smaller scale but the 60/60/24 may have additional issues with replacing.
Nope, American exceptionalist Supremacist drit. You get the American flag and reference to the American god stamped on your head./s
The world would be so better off if the dystopia would just Balkanize already. Saying that as an American.
I don’t think he quite realizes tattoos can be modified… or removed. It’d be easy to have it modified to be the American flag on fire and the text disparaging their vile deity.
Yeah, I’ve taken to replacing ‘United States’ with ‘American Dystopia’ in my vocabulary. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Brave New World would offer a more pleasant life.
Nice thing about not being tied to the Cult of Capital. Free sharing of things… at least the things it hasn’t figured out how to enforce monetization of, yet.
The issue is that they don’t care. They don’t care if the Bible says anything at all about the subject their on about or even if it contradicts them. What the Bible actually says is irrelevant to them, it’s only what their glorious leaders pastors say it says matters.
The root of faith is authoritarianism, not any branch of morality or reverence or regard for history or their mythology.
If you’re going to rebuild this place with realistic infrastructure I’d love to see a before/after of this disasterpiece.
What’s the purpose of this building?
It actually looks pretty decent so if you have a significant internal space you may just want to leave it open or give it a flat glass roof for a skylight.
Dogs, I just like having backup when I’m out on an adventure.
That’s the thing though, all religions are control schemes. Christianity especially. It has nothing to do with being moral and everything to do with being obedient to a particular authority. The core of the faith is authoritarianism, not any branch of morality.
Felt this one yesterday. Just finished a semester with a great and charismatic professor.
He got us all together for a class photo and I felt I should express my emotions so put on a big smile. Could feel how the muscles weren’t used to doing that.
I’ve literally had people argue to me that the First Amendment only meant that you could pick whichever version of Christianity you preferred but didn’t specify any right to non-Christianity at all.
When was the last time we had non-Capitalist or non-Christian as options on any level of the selection process? In the two-party duopoly we’ve had… Vivek Ramaswami with the American Fascist Republican Party for non-Christian and then the closest we’ve got to non-Capitalist being Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Bernie Sander’s Social Democracy (which Sanders mislabels as Democratic Socialism).
I find it amusing how the argumentation that America is a Christian Nation is wholly reliant on not understanding political terms along with being ignorant of the history and founding documents of the United States. This is so frequently bundled with American supremacism and yet they care so little for the work of the founders or the history of the country.
Yeah. Our society is distorted against all our well-being we, the Neurodivergent, are just especially affected by this malady. For the sake of a vanishingly small proportion of the population to be absurdly wealthy we all suffer.
Society is optimized for the majority of people, not just certain personality types.
Eh, more or less. Society is also distorted by those who have a significant amount of economic or political power. It’s still shaped very much with an exclusion of consideration of us but it’s not really something approaching a ‘decent fit for the majority’ rather I would say it’s something more akin to the powerful impressing their demands for the structure of society upon all of us and the majority contorting around it.
Ex. Why doesn’t the US & Canada have a robust passenger rail network? Because of the influence of a strong automotive lobby (they used to and the car companies lobbied for it’s de-prioritization leading to slow degradation to the sorry state they’re in now).
Moderate Symptoms according to test
Thought-crime and pre-crime. Two fundamentally important aspects of Christianity as they ensure guilt that they are conveniently the monopoly on forgiveness/absolution of.