Honestly, I like the industrial look of large exposed redstone builds. Especially if there’s been some terraforming of the region to appear more industrial.
Honestly, I like the industrial look of large exposed redstone builds. Especially if there’s been some terraforming of the region to appear more industrial.
Like a lot of our problems: They were obviously a problem when they were new and continued to be obviously a problem up until they’d propagandized generations that grew up with them being a reality. It’s not so much a matter of the people of the past being dim-witted enough to go in for these bad ideas but rather the robber barons who’re interested in them spending a lot of time to normalize them in order to get much richer off of them at all our continued expense.
That’s what he does, he buys good ideas to steal credit and runs some of them into the ground.
And for some of the popular emotional support tanks not street legal to begin with.
Well, if it’s that or what’s increasingly the new Third Reich the PRC would be a grand improvement.
tRump will probably instruct her to do that because the world’s worst apocalyptic death cult is itself a useful weapon for the few ideologies that are worse than itself.
You know, that applies when we had either or both of 1) an executive branch that gave a damn about the rule of law, 2) a legislative branch that would hold the executive accountable if they did not. We have neither now. It’s the 30s again and the rich and powerful just did their ‘break glass in case of dropping profit’ option again. Except this time we don’t have either of the major players we did last time to put it down.
I appreciate that you’ve got some hope for our rotted out system. I don’t. The only hope for the future I see is a present in flames.
That being said, while I don’t think there’s any hope of reform the point I was making was that incrementalism has brought us tRump while bold action, not even revolution, almost a century ago staved off fascism for this long. If I’m mistaken and reform is possible I find it wholly inconceivable that it would be brought by the incrementalists, rather it would come by some stroke of luck that someone like Sanders… probably a bit harsher than him would attain high office and force positive change like FDR did.
I don’t think anyone wants the conditions of a revolution or the immediate aftermath thereof but it is a question of how bad would that be in the short-term verses how bad will it be in perpetuity, barring revolution at some later date. As is I couldn’t morally justify bringing kids into this apocalyptic hellscape.
The people of Vietnam rebelled against their French overlords with effectively nothing but their chains to begin with and then fought off a superpower to keep their independence. The people of Cuba deposed a fascist tyrant from similar destitution. It’s not easy but it’s entirely possible no matter how totalitarian the state is.
Honestly, we’ve had the “little steps in the right direction” off and on for eight decades now. Look where it’s gotten us.
We’ve already lost everything that could be said for the United States being good, setting aside any claims of greatness entirely, and have lost almost everything that would qualify it as decent. The politicians have realized they can get the votes of some of the people who want change by branding themselves incrementalists and then putting indefinitely many increments between what we have now and meaningful change.
Contrast with history. When has incrementalism ever worked for us? We got the New Deal from one President who knew how to lead. He didn’t give us a 1/2*Xth measure of making the American economy work for the workers. No, he got as much as possible then died wanting to do more.
Truly disgusting. The culture of genocide, slavery, and colonialism with only the thinnest veneer of decency haphazardly draped over it and people who could see through the big lie about it become entangled in its trappings for fucking what?
Thought-crime and pre-crime. Two fundamentally important aspects of Christianity as they ensure guilt that they are conveniently the monopoly on forgiveness/absolution of.
If it wasn’t for the genocide of the Native Americans I likely wouldn’t either, or at very least be a different person. That doesn’t change one’s subjective experience or the objective facts of either things.
This isn’t even Socialism, this is just a basic provision against being a Dystopia.
365 days in a normal year, even 73 weeks a year… make Leap Day a special case that’s never part of a week (ie. week ends, Leap Day, next week starts) and that’d be quite nice. I’d also want to fix time units on a smaller scale but the 60/60/24 may have additional issues with replacing.
Nope, American exceptionalist Supremacist drit. You get the American flag and reference to the American god stamped on your head./s
The world would be so better off if the dystopia would just Balkanize already. Saying that as an American.
I don’t think he quite realizes tattoos can be modified… or removed. It’d be easy to have it modified to be the American flag on fire and the text disparaging their vile deity.
Yeah, I’ve taken to replacing ‘United States’ with ‘American Dystopia’ in my vocabulary. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Brave New World would offer a more pleasant life.
Nice thing about not being tied to the Cult of Capital. Free sharing of things… at least the things it hasn’t figured out how to enforce monetization of, yet.
The issue is that they don’t care. They don’t care if the Bible says anything at all about the subject their on about or even if it contradicts them. What the Bible actually says is irrelevant to them, it’s only what their glorious leaders pastors say it says matters.
The root of faith is authoritarianism, not any branch of morality or reverence or regard for history or their mythology.
Nice! I heard a solution to creeper holes a while ago: fill them in with water, it only takes 2 inventory spots to always be able to do so, and turn them into nice little ponds dotting the countryside.