The amount of time my classmates have spent dealing with vscode crashing, freezing, breaking, etc is way beyond negligible. And yet, I’m the weird guy apparently for preferring vim and GCC.
The amount of time my classmates have spent dealing with vscode crashing, freezing, breaking, etc is way beyond negligible. And yet, I’m the weird guy apparently for preferring vim and GCC.
I mean, you see it a lot in local or low to mid budget network TV. They dress up the laptop to make it look like apple hardware (usually a pear logo instead of an Apple), but when you get a glimpse of the DE, it is clearly neither windows nor apple.
Tv writers and other liberal arts types tend to be cult-like in their devotion to apple, but I guess network TV prop departments have decided apple is too expensive, and installing windows is too much of a hassle.
Can somebody explain why everyone is trying to ditch xorg? I’ve never had an issue with xorg, but I’m always hearing about major issues with Wayland.
I think that analogy oversimplifies according to the assumption that one is inherently better than the other. OP’s point here is that it isn’t all better at all.
I think a more accurate analogy would be that the OP is screaming that horse trails, ranches, and farms are being shut down because they don’t accommodate cars.
The longer I use Linux, the harder it becomes to see where windows users are coming from. Its gotten to the point where seeing people use windows in public feels incomprehensible to me, like watching people go to work on a pogo stick instead of a car.
I’m training to work in hardware currently. Its my hope that there at least, people still care about min-maxing power vs performance.
You could make your own smart devices. You don’t even need to be smart in embedded systems these days either. Just use a cheap SBC.
I don’t get what’s so wrong with man. If the creator neglected to add a -h option, then there’s at least a chance somebody made a man page.
Huh. All that security, and yet there are still so many viruses capable of infecting windows.
I would totally daily drive a Linux phone if performance wasn’t so awful. I don’t care if it doesn’t a have any apps. In fact, the inability to install apple or android apps is actually a positive point in my view.
Nobody is actively team windows, but they immediately become team windows as soon as you suggest they try Linux.
How do you reverse the bit-stream scalar using the systemd fractional scaling initializer?
The black guy turned into a testificate in the 2nd panel
Stuff like this is the reason Linus decided to take a sabbatical back in 2018 to work on controlling his temper.
Smart animal. None of the things that can reach the top of that tree can threaten the fox.
Ehh, I’m not sure. In my experience, apple users are too tech illiterate to have any opinions on windows, not even incorrect ones.
How is money an issue? I can run down to the contracted office-supply refurbisher 2 miles away, buy a 2-year old lenovo mini PC for $160, and slap Debian on it for no additional licence fee.
Why do you guys insist on calling it GNU/Linux? It’d be like if you called your car a V8, and some weirdo insists you call it “transmission/V8”
(In homer Simpsons voice) Mmmmmm. Macroalgae.