I don’t know why people think soap would be made out of drones
I don’t know why people think soap would be made out of drones
This thread is incredible
I smell a Pizza Hut
Not to mention both buttons are on the same side on Pixels. This means I have to do this awkward gesture where I wrap my left hand around the back to press the power button, then press the volume button with my right hand.
On iPhone, I pinched.
To say Android is objectively better than iPhone is a huge stretch. Maybe in the old days when phones still had rear fingerprint scanners.
Was Mozart a possible therian, discuss
The answer is half of 3, so 1.5
This is definitely more blue than green, but it’s a dark cyan or turquoise. Calling it blue or green implies otherwise.
So you’re claiming new hardware isn’t perceivably better, despite not using a display which is actually capable of displaying said improvements. I use such a display. I have good vision. The quality improvement is extremely obvious. Just because not everyone has a high end display doesn’t mean that new hardware is pointless, and that everyone else has to settle for the same quality as the lowest common denominator.
My best hardware used to be Intel on-board graphics. I still enjoyed games, instead of incessantly complaining how stagnant the gaming industry is because my hardware isn’t magically able to put out more pixels.
The PS5 is a good console. Modern GPUs are better than older ones. Games look better than they did five or ten years ago. Those are cold, hard, unobjectionable facts. Don’t like it? Don’t buy it.
I do like it.
…So push ARM. By optimising games.
EDIT: This statement is like saying “Focusing on ARM won’t fix efficiency because we aren’t focusing on ARM”.
I’m assuming you’re playing on a bad TV. I have a 4k120 HDR OLED panel, and the difference is night and day.
I also prefer to enjoy new things, instead of not enjoying new things. It gives me a positive energy that disgruntled gamers seem to be missing.
It’s a pointless point. Complain about power draw. Push ARM.
The GBA just has reworked art. The SNES could easily do the same thing.
We’re still getting huge leaps. It simply doesn’t translate into massively improved graphics. What those leaps do result in, however, is major performance gains.
I have played Horizon Zero Dawn, its remaster, and Forbidden West. I am reminded how much better Forbidden West looks and runs on PS5 compared to either version of Zero Dawn. The differences are absolutely there, it’s just not as spectacular as the jump from 2D to 3D.
The post comes off like a criticism of hardware not getting better enough faster enough. Wait until we can create dirt, sand, water or snow simulations in real time, instead of having to fake the look of physics. Imagine real simulations of wind and heat.
And then there’s gaussian splatting, which absolutely is a huge leap. Forget trees practically being arrangements of PNGs–what if each and every leaf and branch had volume? What if leaves actually fell off?
Then there’s efficiency. What if you could run Monster Hunter Wilds at max graphics, on battery, for hours? The first gen M1 Max MacBook Pro can comfortably run Baldur’s Gate III. Reducing power draw would have immense benefits on top of graphical improvements.
Combined with better and better storage and VR/AR, there is still plenty of room for tech to grow. Saying “diminishing returns” is like saying that fire burns you when you touch it.
It is baffling to me that people hate cross gen games so much. Like, how awful for PS4 owners that don’t have to buy a new console to enjoy the game, and how awful for PS5 owners that the game runs at the same fidelity at over 60FPS, or significantly higher fidelity at the same frame rate.
They should have made the PS4 version the only one. Better yet, we should never make consoles again because they can’t make you comprehend four dimensions to be new enough.
Let’s compare two completely separate games to a game and a remaster.
Generational leaps then:
Good lord.
EDIT: That isn’t even the Zero Dawn remaster. That is literally two still-image screenshots of Forbidden West on both platforms.
Good. Lord.
Line of cocaine Vs. Line of Oreos. Which is less healthy? Discuss.
(I think the Oreos might be worse in this case)
Their marketing stunt worked