Okay I have a 63 page presentation on how it would work but before I show you. What guarantee do I have that you will get it made if I convince you?
Okay I have a 63 page presentation on how it would work but before I show you. What guarantee do I have that you will get it made if I convince you?
I just want to say you’re right.
What the hell? What mental health emergency explains wanting to kill two people based on their perceived race?
It was not fun to play. The mechanics were sluggish and stilted. The story was good enough and at the time it was a gorgeous game.
Yeah people deal with tragedy differently. You shouldn’t take it personally.
Burning Rangers from sonic team on the Sega Saturn. Such a unique concept.
Why does no one believe this happened? I’ve seen lots of stuff like this. In fact I once got a police escort to a Type O Negative concert in an almost similar fashion.
I can explain. First, you need to understand that this
Burning Rangers was such an interesting concept that I wish they would make a new sequel. Also Panzer Dragoon Saga is a great RPG.
Buy an Action Replay cart and use that instead.
We did it guys! He’s been slammed!
What about them? Do you have a study to share? Or just making up straw men?
I sometimes do the same.
On PC it’s difficult because the driving isn’t analog but expects an analog signal. That means when you press forward it red lines the rpms.
All of them.
Wild take. But it’s your right.
It’s how he measures goats. Keep up.
Just to build on this. No publicly traded company is an ally to any group but its shareholders.