This sort of thing is rife among to televangelists and weirdly doesn’t seem to affect the number of people who worship and support them. It’s like they are a god and can do no wrong.
This sort of thing is rife among to televangelists and weirdly doesn’t seem to affect the number of people who worship and support them. It’s like they are a god and can do no wrong.
Most of everyone else would agree that it is a lack of political will.
There are ads on the radio in Perth that are spruiking how essential methane is to industry. What’s most annoying is no mention of the devastating effects on the climate crisis. Greenwashing at its finest.
Here I am, surprised that the US has troops in Chad.
Interesting to see authoritarian and libertarian as opposites given the GOP behaviour.
Hmmm, is this just human nature at work? Is it a function of the conservative mind like it’s never their fault?
I suppose that once you have laws that allow blocking one type of site then other sites will be pretty easy to be added. A precedent sort of thing. Done once then others will follow.
Pretty amazing that piracy is such a hot topic such that freedoms can be curtailed but everyone’s right to an AR15 must be protected.
Sounds like more shooting between Chinese and Indian soldiers with little to show for it.
Isn’t Trump supposed to be a billionaire? Surely a billionaire can pay his own bills! Maybe he isn’t the billionaire he claims to be.
How sad. A supposed billionaire force to mortgage for a piddly $450m. I suppose it will teach him that honesty is the best policy🤭
It took years of campaigning for Australia to ban asbestos but we did in 2003. Lots of legacy in buildings that causes no end of risk for firies dealing with burning buildings and tradies fixing them. The fact it took so long is a testament to the power of lobbying. There should be jail time for those who perpetuated it.
Grounds to have her replaced? Most people know that top secret means security clearance.
No doubt his mate Putin will find a obligarch to loan him the cash.
The wheel is definitely newfangled. People have been using renewable sunlight, wind and water for millions of years as well as using pharmaceutical plants for about that long too. The wheel is definitely the newcomer.
I really don’t understand this bloke. He’s on his deathbed and wants Trump on his tombstone.
You need to vote both.
First pass the post says a vote for anyone other than Biden is a vote for Trump. Sadly that’s how the system works. You need preferential voting to send a message of displeasure.
Insurrection affects people at all levels of civic life including those who want to be dog catchers. Does this ruling make Congress the arbiter of all these assessments or merely the president?
Ahh, Mike Johnson and the Russian GOP.
Well it looks like he owes Putin, big time, so it’s payback time.