That’s half the problem. The half I don’t do.
That’s half the problem. The half I don’t do.
Yes, abandon wherever you are in the app, back all the way out, then go somewhere else. You’ve highlighted the problem but passed it off as a solution.
It’s wired, clear your cookies.
“From within” is the most poetic way for the Republican party to die
Remember when misspelling potato meant you were laughed out of the race?
Ya know, I didn’t think they’d actually get rid of him. This is the proudest I’ve ever been of Oklahoma, and I was born there.
Something about sovcit’s plans going south is PRECISELY my flavor of schadenfreude.
Remember, if these trials can cause change then EVERYONE gets a little extra. And it’s cheaper than our current welfare system. AND it actually helps people instead of putting them in a place where getting help ends their desperately needed support. It’s a win for everyone except the “I struggled and so should you” crowd which means its an absolute victory for everyone that matters!
If they don’t have answers they should get out of the way of those that do.
Somebody’s keeping track, right?
He’s got the ethics for it though
Couldn’t agree more
I wouldn’t have expected better
I know. I stand by what I said.
They simultaneously believe that only the wealthy go to colleges, only the poor get loans, and everybody is getting a degree in underwater basket weaving. They don’t want an educated populace… And it’s working.
I’m surprised it wasn’t more
Oklahoma friggin sucks
I like to think of it as the death throes of a dying “American Christianity.” The bible thumping, barely literate, “hands off my guns,” homophobic christian nationalism. I really REALLY hope it is at least.
Cousin fuckers: Gino Bulso & Monty Fritts