TIL thanks
TIL thanks
There’s a pandemic term I haven’t seen in the wild for a hot minute.
Oh great, we’re the space Nazis from the awful rebel moon movies. Go figure.
Projection is their go-to coping strategy
They also posted this story too
This is the literal insanity that keeps me going
Normally I’m not a fan of these nothingburger stories, but this made me chuckle.
How much did the scammer pay you?
I really don’t understand why they’re so sinister.
Okay, lemme give Dionysus a text.
Do we have a god of shortsighted avarice? Feels like that’s what this country worships.
Even more sinister, they let it willingly spread because it disproportionally affected the Gayz.
And we’re all thinking Erik is murdered…
To quote Contrapoints: the wheel of samsara is my stomping ground.
Now I want to read a fantasy comedy where someone trying to make cookies from an ancient recipe is whisked off on an adventure to fulfill the prophecy, but they just want snickerdoodles dammit.
Fascists don’t care about the quality of data, but the quality of emotions they can manipulate.
They’ll scream rigged if they lose and we all know it.
Misothiest is the term I heard.
I’m bombarded with haircare product ads—I have literally not used shampoo in ten years. I just rinse my hair in the shower with water and it’s all great. I’m so glad YT is so off.
Are these spontaneously generated men or are they pre-existing dudes who got teleported into the sky?