Another reason to not go to China
I do a lot of photography and I share it on my deviant art page.
Another reason to not go to China
It works great
Literally able to us the WiFi in a metal barn 50 yards away on the otherside of a garage
It doesn’t faff about
Mowing the field at her place my phone will stay connected to the WiFi basically the whole time, the only WiFi blind spot that I had to fix was on the far side of her property where there’s 2 metal barns, a garage, and a wall of her house between you and the broadcast equipment.
It’s a small farm and yeah it’s Ubiquiti hardware though I don’t think they sell it anymore. The last time I looked through their website I couldn’t find it again.
Though here’s the Amazon link
Basically this thing is located on one end of the property and on the other end there’s a nano station hooked up to a router because there was still a WiFi dead zone that she wanted covered. But given that that spot was inside a metal barn on the otherside of another metal barn I wasn’t surprised.
Hell the high power WiFi equipment‡ I installed at my Grandma’s house had warnings about keeping a few feet clear of it when powered on due to health concerns and that’s just WiFi equipment. I can’t imagine the dosage of gnarly from a 2m powered dish.
‡ I installed that equipment because she wanted WiFi on all 10 acres of her property and she didn’t want me to install more stations around her property. Now she has the broadcast equipment in her garage with a tape line on the floor like it’s a Goddamned radiation research facility lol
They do grow really funky like that but not in nature
Basically they only grow like that if regrown by people
Didn’t know anything about this, looked into it, yeah those tig ol’bitties look like they want to escape pretty bad.
Thank you for providing the link to the Tumblr post BTW
Why? Because they have different standards of what they find attractive?
Different strokes for different folks friend
I’d so much love for webp support to increase
It’s so much better than sending jpegs to people
I see you stopped reading my comment there.
I listed some reasons in the comment literally right after that.
The fact that it’s Japan (a place with a damn good rep for trains) planning to make a giant conveyor system between 2 cities rather than a freight line is what’s so shocking to me.
They’re going to have to clear a lot of stuff for a big conveyor system why not do it properly and go with freight trains?
Trains are a tried and true method of moving freight, they have a bunch of skilled engineers already versed in trains, they have all the necessary industry for getting the parts for those trains built, etc, etc. This just screams stupid AF and wasteful AF to me.
Oh yeah it was a typo but it was autocorrected weird, the keyboard on my phone has definitely been making some odd choices for corrections lately.
At least it’s better than search results via Google, those have gone to shit lately
Oh boy I love trains-but-worse, their my favorite kind of trains
Seriously why not trains-but-good?
Funnily enough my phone corrected it to Lazer when I typed laser the first time
Just another fun quirk of the Google keyboard on Android lately, autocorrecting words to the incorrect spelling
That sounds like bliss right there
Especially if a soft fluffy blanket is involved
I second Linux Mint
I installed it on my Grandma’s PCs not too long ago and even she enjoys it. She’s almost 80.
We are having issues with her printer but it’s one that has known issues with Linux in general (it’s a fancy Epson laser printer, scanner, fax machine combo with bad Windows support) but I’m hoping to rectify that soon.
I would say the GUI reminds me more of Windows 7 than 10 which I really dig
Edit: spleling
No, you’re not getting a photo.
Got my hopes up with that description that you might show off a bit.
The only thing weird are the rings that are way to tight
You really need to get those removed OP before they cause permanent damage
Especially electric ones.
“What’s that you have code for the battery?you need a full new one, we don’t replace bad cells.”
It really is a beautiful country with a bunch of really beautiful landscapes, but unfortunately due to their government I wouldn’t dare go to it.
Kinda like Florida, beautiful state with a bunch of beautiful beaches and fantastic weather but do to political reasons I wouldn’t dare visit.