seems like a good spot for the dark matter rap
seems like a good spot for the dark matter rap
Yeah that is a little painful
Ah my bad, first time for me
I tried to read it like 5 times and was like “damn guess my german isn’t as good as I thought” but that was apparently the point lol 😅
Noita, but you just suffer along instead of growing
Visigoths are my favorite. What about yours?
I used messageease for a month or so but was unable to improve :/
no rule, bannered
It depends on the definition I guess. I would consider driving a car to be multitasking. But doing three different office tasks on my laptop feels more like context switching as someone dubbed it here.
But I’m just some dude it’s not like I’ve read any papers on it but that’s what it feels like for me.
Noone knows, it has been decades since they got banned and the EdenOS net was airgapped.
I love this community, such a unique vibe. Thanks for all the posts and all the best FUCKER hope you recover.
On no, I’m suprised that it even ran considering that it had to run on an embedded device. Or was it a horrible stitch job?
Can you share more details on this story?
I am pretty sure that modern archeology agrees with you in at least some ways (know an archeologist, not an archeologist). I don’t have any specific evidence for mammoth trapping but there are these really interesting stone funnel traps that were used to trap gazelle herds
Also consider how long humans have walked the earth as hunter gatherers. Agriculture goes back to around 10.000 BCE. The entirety of time between 300.000 BCE and 10.000 BCE was likely (mostly) spent as hunter gatherers. Imagine in how many ways local roles and culture could have differed in that time!
Don’t you think that this “men are here to be practical” theory has some gaps? Like there are plenty of men who do the things that you describe as unnecessary
I’m not saying that barns should be sweeped or that everyone should cook fancy meals. But to say that people who do do that are (as you seem to be implying) overdoing it, or impractical is a bit unfair I think. I am also quite practical but still respect that others have higher standards or just “want things their way” which should be at least a little relatable to everyone.
Seize the means of computation people!
I’ve just become a CAD hobo or squater you could say. There will always be one ““free”” piece of cad software that caters to the casual 3D printer and I’ve just accepted that they will inevitably raise the price and I’ll just have to jump ship again. But, at least I get to keep all the knowledge and that is what counts.
Houd eens even heel snel je mond