Ty, ty. No talking about pets without paying the pic tax. One back for you.
He was just a Fledditor. Living in a Lemmy woooorld.
Ty, ty. No talking about pets without paying the pic tax. One back for you.
;_; I can’t see any kitty pic
Happy you could join! You’ll find that not only are bans much more reasonable, but conversations are frequently downright pleasant. Aditionally, there are communities built just for calling out mods that abuse power or are heavily biased. The system here is working much better from a user perspective.
Like what? I get wishing things never got to the stage they are at, but what do you wish a bunch of unorganized hackers did earlier? Genuinely curious as I’m not good enough at coding to think of any creative “solutions”
I love being able to read the tour guide at my own pace rather than have it said to me. These structures are great.
I have the question mark for a side quest. Unfortunately you will not only be stuck helping me, but I have difficult to skip dialogue that was translated and localized three times.
I prefer reading fiction myself. That’s partly why I keep upvoting posts in this community.
Pre edit: Oh, lol. I just typed this out and realized you were the same guy from elsewhere in the comments. Feel free to completely disagree with me, but I’m leaving this here for others that want to read and think.
There are a lot of great answers to the question, how about this one.
When the USA spent 6.5 billion anually (started with George Bush) it prevented 20 million people from being able to spread HIV each year. This includes to children that would be born with HIV. Now you might not have the empathy to consider investing that for foreign adults and children at the cost of double what just Elon Musk got last year in government contracts, but let’s change from HIV to the next Covid. What would happen to the rate of infection globally if 20 million more people from some of the poorest countries became vectors of a highly contagious deisease? That sounds like a problem for the USA to me.
Yup. That does sound racist. Mentioning black names and a court docket together in an example leads me to think inherent bias exists in the commenter.
Yeah, pretty sure the racist part is that you correlated black names with court dockets as a made up example. A school roster or something would have been a neutral example. You may just have some personal struggles in this area. Not saying things is a very good way to avoid sounding racist but not a good way to confront our personal biases. <3
Exactly. That’s why making it harder for them to dismantle the government is actively helpful to multiple nations, and being able to spoof emails from others on that list is probably the best way to get around any filters. Not that I’d ever advocate for doxxing. Nope. Definitely noone should ever do that or anything else illegal ever.
You are correct. The “leaders” don’t. The majority of Americans are also disillusioned into hating people not responsible at all for the struggles they have to face. The soverignty of nations should be respected, but that hasn’t, historically, been the American way either.
I love seeing these type of interactions on Lemmy.
For my two cents, this is the main thing I told every Trump supporter I talked with why I would never vote for him. Every other reason they had dumb counterarguments for, but not kids in cages. None of them liked the idea when it happened the first time. Now I have two things to ask them about.
I’m glad you remain reasonable. I almost downvoted out of principle, but this feels like the intended use for image AI.
It’s a surprise tool that will help us later.
Already did. Didn’t see the wave coming. It definitely made me flat and I lost my sunglasses.
I expected most volcanic gasses (and geysers) to be largely sulfuric. After looking it up, I have to agree. The Earth is full of dissolved gasses making it not flat.
Since I am a pedant, I would agree with you after looking up volcanic gas composition. I love how we can get to the smart stuff via dumb memes.
Ohhh, such a relaxed bun. Very much at odds with how violent and energetic I’m sure they actually are.