Thanks! Bebop’s one of my favorite shows, and I love the jazz aesthetic so that’s a huge compliment, I appreciate it!
Actually this was taken pretty late at the University Plaza Hotel in Springfield, MO. It looks a bit less liminal and backroomy during the day but with the lights lowered and no one around it looks really cool, this was around 11pm or so I think.
Not at the moment, or if I do the account is so old I don’t remember it lol
Huh, that’s odd but I think I may know where the discrepancy is coming from. When Charles originally took the photo in the '96 he licensed it out under the stockphoto company Westlight. Westlight was purchased by another photo company that was owned by Microsoft, Corbis in 1998. Technically Microsoft could have just licensed the photo as they now owned the company that owned the licensing, but chose to fully buy the rights directly from Charles so they could have unlimited use for it with all the branding for xp outside of just the default wallpaper.
I actually named it Bucolic as a nod to Windows XP! The original name of the Bliss wallpaper was “Bucolic Green Hills” before Microsoft bought it from the photographer.
The Yellowstone River Overlook in Hayden Valley, Yellowstone National Park, WY.
The film isn’t quite that old but the camera is actually from 1981 lol
Even I didn’t notice it until I read this and now my disappointment in my own work is immeasurable and my day is ruined.