You’re literally running interference on Trumps behalf right now. Pick a side.
You’re literally running interference on Trumps behalf right now. Pick a side.
They arrested him without a warrent for speech they didn’t like and disappeared him with no legal formality at all.
I just wing it honestly. I use firm/extra firm tofu and press it (put paper towels on both sides of the tofu and something heavy on top like a bowl of water and leave it for 15 minutes or so). The just fry it in maybe a tablespoon of oil with some seasoning. A little turmeric gives it a nice color and flavor.
Hash browns, onions and bell peppers go a long ways too if you have them around.
I’ve moved on to tofu scramble. Not as good but cheap as still pretty tasty.
shits pants it’s called shock and awe
It’s fun seeing these companies take a hit and the bubble deflate, but long term won’t this just make AI a more alluring form of enshittification to a wider audience?
This was my first DA game, and it sounds like going in blind really improved my experience. I had a blast, kinda bummed by the hate.
That’s funny, that’s the first thing I change when I set it up on a new device.
So many “yeah but… “ comments on all these posts about someone arrested without a warrant and deported with no legal pretense at all. Pathetic boot licking behavor. Pick a side or get out of our way.