Always have been.
Always have been.
Dont forget to leave your phone at home.
Every single DMCA request should have to be filled out by hand and signed by the infringed party, not on their behalf by a third parry, under penalty of perjury. This is absolute bullshit.
That’s kinda cool.
It’s funny you put it that way, because torrents are based fundamentally on the idea of freely hosting the data so nobody has to pay to access it.
That fucking snitch. You’re supposed to keep it private and let Microsoft figure it out themselves.
That’s exactly what a chatbot sophisticated enough to be an existential threat would say.
Wow. I’m totally shocked that Facebook would launch a free VPN out of nowhere and then use it for nefarious purposes. I was sure they just wanted to help humanity. /s
With all that free money, it looks like Nintendo will be just fine if I never purchase another one of their games. Hell, I may even offer to hack some of my friends’ systems just to spite Nintendo.
It was shit when Bethesda did it and it’ll to be shit when the people who bought Bethesda do it, too.
This mother fucker REALLY wants the machine uprising ending.
In Jellyfin, if you add the Star Wars movies to a collection named Star Wars, then do the same to the TV Shows, and then open the Star Wars collection, it will show you the movies and the shows. You could probably do the same for the books after you install the book library plugin, though I don’t think Jellyfin is the ideal way to read ebooks.
What constitutes advertising in your view should be further clarified in the community rules, or perhaps you should include brand promotion in that rule as well. If this said ‘Advertisement’ or ‘Sponsored’ I’d call it an ad for sure, but this is just a post, which qualifies as brand promotion, but most people wouldn’t call it an advertisement. Regardless, I agree with your decision to remove it as it is certainly the kind of low-effort content we should strive to avoid.
Thanks for posting this a fourth time. I really needed that extra dopamine.
I was meming on OP for deleting and re-posting this multiple times because they were frustrated by the amount of downvotes.
What a relief. I was really concerned that they may have given somebody else a copy of the books they found useful enough to download themselves. /s
Fucking bottom-feeders.