What you have to understand. South Africa took back democratic control. As a country we have been forced to process institutional racism. We have been confronted by it and have to work to over come it. It was done in a remarkably smooth way as well (but let’s not forget all those who died to achieve it)
The USA and many other countries never had this flash point realisation/reckoning - it’s just in the back ground with people who deny racism exists - or don’t understand privilege. It’s all just hidden under the surface.
South Africa has its issues and a hangover from this past but it also has people who work very hard to try get us back to functioning well. We are stronger as a nation because we have confronted these racial ideologies and it’s out in the open - there are words for it - it can be identified- and so now it can be processed and healing can happen.
It’s been a generation since and it’s going to take another two or three to get there but we doing it.
Counties with this sub surface crap will never confront their issues - and they will need a reckoning.
White male english - very aware of my privilege - family members killed by previous government. Also in urban centre…
There is still a divide yes - and it’s made worse by socio economics. The old guard on both sides of the rift needs to pass on now. But I see hope in the youth and in the workplace. It’s more that the divide is acknowledged by most - which means the younger generations are able to process it.