Raised by and adopted by are two different things. You can raise someone and not have them considered as your child. Not to mention the whole definition of a step sibling is sharing one parent, adoption doesn’t make you a step sibling
Raised by and adopted by are two different things. You can raise someone and not have them considered as your child. Not to mention the whole definition of a step sibling is sharing one parent, adoption doesn’t make you a step sibling
No, not at all. Neither of them shared a parent. They’re technically cousins, but the amount of generations between Arwen’s uncle and Aragorn make the familial link not matter at all
Insider trading
The History of WWII podcast from Ray Harris JR
Myths and legends podcast from Jason Weiser
Levar Burton Reads from Levar Burton
I use Google podcasts for the first and podcast addict for the other two. But these were all marathoned when I didn’t have an audiobook to listen to while I’m at work, so they weren’t consistently listened to through the year
Ok, yeah I got that wrong.