I can hear both of these quotes so clearly. I’m sad about what Blizzard has become.
Oh my sweet summer child. Ringtones were in a different audio format than mp3s. Plus, getting the ringtone onto the phone required additional fuckery.
To be fair, the plague in Hebrew (Egyptian?) is צפרדע /tz’fardei’ah, which looks like a singular and not a plural. I totally see where he’s coming from. But also, I thought it was in Midrash Tanchuma.
חג פסח שמח!
What the hell, calculators with color screens? Back in my day our graphing calculators were black and gray and we were told to be happy, damn it.
It’s part of the training. People are happier when they have food in their mouths, so that’s why waitstaff wait until your mouth is full before asking. That way, they can avoid complaints.
Because it has a silent “P!”
I’m saving this comment for when I feel ready to do that kind of work. I need it
My wife is finishing up a global health pediatric fellowship. She arrived in 2021, and I came out about a year later because I was finishing up chaplaincy training and I had a contract to finish out for a synagogue I was working for.
I see your point. I know that there are folks unhappy with the current government, but to be fair, who isn’t? The San have also been pretty fucked over by the government.
I have been living in Botswana for the past two years, and I’m genuinely surprised where it is on this list. Yeah, people here don’t have the greatest deal, but there’s freaking universal healthcare here. The country has been extremely politically stable since independence. There’s no way people are less happy here than those who are in active war zones.
Ever since I read through the Discworld series, I always think of this when I see comments like the one above. GNU, Terry Pratchett.
Tell me you love Discworld without saying you love Discworld.
For those of you who want to hear how that super long city name is pronounced. Or, you can learn how to say it from this catchy song!
He claimed that the Marvel movie Black Panther was “created by an agnostic Jew and put to film by satanic Marxists” that was “only created to pull the shekels out of your Schvartze pockets”
Holy hell, that’s a very specific kind of antisemitism.
I was about to say, this is some strong Granny Weatherwax energy
As a fellow dad to a baby, well said.
Makes me crave a regular human alcoholic beer.
I’m pretty sure they’re talking about something you can do in a New Game+. If you take the right teleporter at the start of a New Game+, you go straight to the final boss. I’ve done it before, because there’s a special ending!