It looks like the charges are from using the credentials they found not just for finding them. It’s definitely a crap charge because logging into the DB exposed the wider issue of being able to access other customers records.
It looks like the charges are from using the credentials they found not just for finding them. It’s definitely a crap charge because logging into the DB exposed the wider issue of being able to access other customers records.
Make sure you have your lcd plugged in correctly, iirc there are three spots to plug in the LCD and only one works.
As a complete workaround you could install something like octoprint on a raspberry pi or another computer and hook up the printer and confirm you can control it via the webpage.
You know these can only be used while in park, right?
Yeah but you see they’re carrying out God’s work so it’s fine. Especially when it’s hurting the “right kind” of people.
Ugh I hate all of those words
Sandy Munro is a legit car reviewer. His firms tears down vehicles and predict reliability based on what they find among other things. He’s a pretty well respected industry guide. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandy_Munro
If you’re looking for a decent setup but maybe not the cheapest- Nvidia shield with an external hard drive would work very well.
You could always build or buy a nas and just run Plex as an app through either your current fire stick or get a cheap Roku stick (although now you’re back in the same ad garden for a player but Roku is minimally invasive imo- especially with a pi-hole for dns)
Seriously, the electric f150 had a 100% markup at some dealerships. The build quality was absolute crap on those too.
I love this. When we were actually using that type of modem as a daily driver we only dreamed about object replicators or using a computer to make physical objects with additive manufacturing at home! This is an awesome bridge to the past.