It easily lights up the corner of my room on the beside table where I keep it in case I lose power. You can read by it with good eyes in a dark enough room.
It easily lights up the corner of my room on the beside table where I keep it in case I lose power. You can read by it with good eyes in a dark enough room.
Yes, I should have mentioned that. Nothing measurable yet but these are also decent quality matched 30Q cells that shipped with the light and this is only the second six month period into the experiment.
Mirrors in case media fails to load like it did for me:
Water flavored.
Mmm, hallucinogenic orange juice.
That’s because the new one is just the existing web app that loads inside an Edge instance so they were basically starting from scratch. I realized that when I discovered I couldn’t open the new version on my laptop that I had uninstalled Edge from.
Oh, and MS is killing the old version. Joy.
Nope, sorry about your luck. Nothing on anime or Star Trek, either.
Also, nobody is a disorder. Drives me nuts.
I doubt think these are even SATA, anyway. The last WD 2.5" external drive I opened up had its micro USB 3.x connector attached directly to the PCB, right where you’d expect an actual disk controller interface to be.
You may also want to look into NZBget (download client) and nzb360 for mobile management if you happen to be an Android user – or LunaSea either way.
“Docking sequence initiated”
Completely justifiable if you ask me.
Something tells me Neil may have actually performed that experiment himself. For science.
I was thinking the same thing the other day while driving behind this dude:
(It was pouring and traffic was stopped for ten minutes.)
I think they mean as opposed to 80% of the periodic table. Maybe.
I recharge it for a few hours twice a year and use one of dozen other lights in its place.