He only uses it once a week though, so just catch him after his weekly kill
He only uses it once a week though, so just catch him after his weekly kill
Hey get a load of this guy, can’t even expose one lousy US war crime. He’s basically complicit
Okay but what if there’s a shark?
^ non-americans’ favorite activity
You have a very transactional view of the world
You’re very welcome, I somehow forgot for some people the most important thing is to hear “you won” and not actually comprehending the conversation. With that context, your previous comments make even more sense. I didn’t stand a chance
Do you have any evidence that’s what I’m doing? I didn’t declare victory. You definitely won this argument!!! I had no chance competing against such an onslaught of arguments unrelated to what I actually said to begin with. I loved the part where you made up a belief system and aspects of my personality at the same time you argued for evidence based conclusions. It really drove your point home! I understand everything clearly now
Oh I get it now, you can’t read :(
One point of clarification friend. I never said Lindsey does not support Ukraine. I said his reason for supporting anything is always self-serving, which there is mountains of evidence of. You could wave your hand and do the centrist “whatabout” all politicians being self-serving. But the fact is that Lindsey Graham is one of the most obvious modern examples of flip flopping on issues to benefit himself. If you have a counter example I’d love to read about it.
My original point is that it really doesn’t matter what someone like Lindsey says or supports today, because it will change with the wind tomorrow (when he’s up for election usually)
You took what I said and made a beautiful little Blue MAGA strawman out of it.
Oh but you and I agree. We both love defending Lindsey Graham and giving him the benefit of the doubt because he’s earned it. Keep on fighting the good fight brother
Nope I completely made it up! Certainly Lindsey Graham will never change his stance on Ukraine, that would be a silly thing to think given his historic track record of staying on the same side of issues. I should continue reading and believing things that Lindsey Graham says
Nope I just completely made it up off the top of my head to be a silly guy. Lindsey actually has an impeccable track record of never flip flopping his words or voting against his own stated stances on issues. It’s why he’s known as one of the greatest and most reputable congresspersons of our generation. He’s more than earned the benefit of the doubt wouldn’t you say?
Lindsey Graham supports Ukraine
Lindsey Graham doesn’t hold a single real position on any issue, other than “what currently benefits me the most?”
I choose this person as the recipient of my hug. I got you bro
Scraped my car tire rim on a curb the other day and mashing Ctrl + Z in my brain for minutes afterwards :(
Let’s assume Norway has 5 million people and the US has 300 million people, and they’re going to have a taco eating contest.
If every American eats 1 taco, that’s ~300 million tacos eaten. If every Norwegian eats 30 tacos, that’s “only” 150 million tacos eaten (30 x 5mil = 150mil).
If we’re talking about total tacos eaten, Norway “loses” the eating competition. But that’s not really fair because the US has 60x more people participating.
If we’re talking about tacos per person (aka normalizing for the population), Norway wins the competition because each person ate 30x more tacos than the average American.
So, which country eats more tacos? The answer depends if you’re counting total number of tacos eaten, or average number of tacos eaten per person (aka per capita).
Cope more sad person LMAOOOOOOO
The modern Leonardo da vinci, ladies and gentlemen
Maybe other people just enjoy something and there’s no reason to put them down for it. I wish I knew something you enjoyed so I could make fun of you for it. Sad person.
Nice, I had a slightly newer model, '97 or '98 I think. Exact same shape but the wood was a darker color. Good stick