Lol. So which immigrants is he talking about?
Lol. So which immigrants is he talking about?
This article is from 7 months ago so it is more. Some people just want to feed children and their trucks are being blown up. It is fucking horrible.
I ask you these questions because these are the questions I have asked myself and I always end with the same conclusion. Israel is an information super power. The US needs Israel more than vice versa. The infromation provided by Israel has helped keep the US and other allies safe.
The question I get asked is “if that information is so valuable, then why didn’t they keep themselves safe?” They did know about the attacks. Israel allowed the attack to happen thinking it would allow them in the eyes of the public to take Palestine.
Wikipedia link - look at the “Events leading to the attack” and the “Israeli intelligence failure” sections.
I really want to know what their problem with All My Rage and Catwoman: Soulstealer. Also Memoirs of a Geisha? If you allow the fucking Bible, you can allow Memoirs of a Geisha. Actually ban the Bible.
For books like Blue is the Warmest Colour, are they banning Netflix from those schools too?
They really hate Chuck Palahniuk huh? Lol.
Israel is killing humanitarians in Palestine. If Israel kills Americans, should the US declare war?
Okay you have an issue with the land grab so you stop being allies with Israel. They won’t stop the genocide. Israel will continue with the weapons they already have. Now they think they absolutely need to take over Palestine because they can’t have neighbors that are controlled by Hamas.
Was that the right choice? Should the US stop the genocide by sending troops and money to government of Palestine? Maybe the money that was intended for Israel?
Let’s say we stopped being allies with them and stopped funding. So if they stop tomorrow, then the US should have them as allies again?
I don’t know any Democrat that wants Joe. I’ve seen more support for Hilary Clinton at this point and no one likes here either.
When people without kids say they shouldn’t have to pay education tax, I tell them good schools reduces gang activity.
Is it not obvious? You’re not allowed to go straight from the sign is.
You have to make a right if you want to make a right, a left or continue going straight.
They probably have the lanes marked out too.
How much time needs to pass before a genocide is no longer an “active genocide”?
Is removing a justice more or less difficult than adding more justices?
The president role is 7 years. Knesset seat is 4 years. Would you give up decades of relationship building for one presidential term?
Also how often would you switch allies if they commit genocide defined by the Genocide Convention?
They could very well be doing those things. Israel is a technology powerhouse now. Being allies allows more political accountability.
Israel has a huge intelliegence network that the US help them build by giving them billions of dollars.
The US relations with that area is already really poor. Pulling support of Israel will bring the US back decades of relationship building, billions of dollars invested, and losing the location. The location is important because Israel is in the center, near water, and isn’t an island.
Morally, being allies with Israel is not good, logically it makes sense.
Does foreskin count?
Just the tip.
What helps me is leaving on a show I’ve seen before. Something you enjoy but not something that surprises you. X-Files, Classic Twilight Zone, House works for me.
Knowing something, even this one characteristic we are talking about, can give you a better understanding and lead to a more balanced life. Good luck.
They are provoking the West Banks to attack.