I just recently got back into minecraft. Man it’s addicting. Like I’ll just chop down one more tree before bed annnddd now it’s two hours later.
Hello I am new, confused and excited about Lemmy! I like the vibes.
I just recently got back into minecraft. Man it’s addicting. Like I’ll just chop down one more tree before bed annnddd now it’s two hours later.
Once upon a time I did stagehand work like this. If you have riggers or personal working over head, you need clear lines of communication open. Someone should have been calling the drop of set prieces, and the ground crew should have been responsible for catching the lowered sections and keeping other crew out of the way. Also, the ground cables should have been pulled first, to protect them from damage as the set comes out.
Nothing about this sounds like it was done correctly! The lead carpender and scenic lead should have been all over this! You have heavy metal parts coming out of the air and no one was even calling it!!?? Probably didn’t even have radios. This was 100% preventable.
You have a right to be angry. However the answer to where do you put a millon detained poeple, a labor camp. To replace the migrants we chased out of the country.
How can this feel so wholesome and creepy at the same time?
They’re boot lick’en good!
Oh great, we’re on the Darth Jar Jar timeline.
Lol! This got a laugh out of me
I need to put a lock on my chicken coup at this rate.
March 5th I believe
Ah, so the super villan made it into the treasurery and James Bond is dead on the floor? Fantastic.
A few of them, we are still friends, and they did find their own success, but most of them I have no idea what happened after I moved away. A lot of these friendships were born of necessity and only surface level.
At night on walks!? We are talking about the dangers of walking alone at night. Are 13 year old boys afriad to walk in the park because they will get jumped by pedophiles of the opposite gender?
It is good advice if you can save the money. One of the things I learned when I was desperately poor is you must lean on your community of other poor poeple. Trading favors is how we survived. If my friend didn’t have enough for food we fed them. We worked on each other’s cars. We had to live close to each other because we didn’t have gas money or reliable transportation. It sucked.
Now that I have escaped the poverty trap and have an emergency fund, it’s like I’ve activated a cheat code. Everything it easier when you have immediate money.
I have a friend in DC and she frantically started texting me right after this happened. Such a lose of life, all those young kids coming back from a skating event dead, and for what, so Trump can wave his tiny fat peen around pretending he did something worthwhile. Good god I think I need off this ride, gonna be a long four years.
Jones is just doing it again, pitting the family’s against each other while he shoves money into every hole, family bussiness and off shore bank he can get his filthy mitts on. He’s guilty. He has assets. Sell them off and split the money between the families who won settlements. HOW HARD IS IT!??
What if I don’t have a dick? Do I need to get someone with a dick to test the bread? Can I use a dildo? My fingers?
I realize that this is only an achievement to me, but when I got the Poeples Hero achievement for Skyrim. I was playing through as myself, trying to help everyone I could. I just wiped out the Dark Botherhood and it popped up. I was honestly touched, as I really cared about those stupid digital poeple I was saving. It made me feel like I was really making a difference.
There’s something about that panicked raccoon shuffle offset by the quick cut to the disappointment in the players faces that made me lose it. Holy shit my sides.
How is eliminating school lunch programs helping!?