I’ve looked into it.l briefly. Did you have any issues switching? I’m concerned about how some apps I need would function.
I’ve looked into it.l briefly. Did you have any issues switching? I’m concerned about how some apps I need would function.
You’re thinking Fast and Furious 7 “Fate of the Furious”
Thanks for the reminder, I need to install the rest of mine and my shutoff valve and start testing the automations
Mine as well, i have a closet with a half rack with all my networking gear, NAS, UPS, proxmox server, etc. If I’m gone, it’s time for whoever lives here to just get a combined router/modem from the ISP and call it a day.
“can’t use the wiring” So in the old days they made people leave all their phones connected when they moved right? /s
You’re not wrong and, to be fair, I’m mostly exaggerating when I say to rip out all the smart stuff.
Thermostat would stay, Alexa is being phased out but google home would stay, flood sensors I have at this time do not beep because of the stress is causes the pets just during normal testing, but those could be easily replaced.
However, I also have a ton of lighting, zigbee sensors, zigbee smart plugs, camera motion automations, alarm system automations, garage door automations, and other routines that can’t just be taken over by someone that has no desire to mess with HA. It’s not always about the functionality of the device itself, but what HA does to enhance it.
It’s especially true when it comes to things like HACS. I love HA but I’ve also told everyone I know that, if I die, rip all that shit out and replace all the “smart” stuff with regular stuff.
I’m not sure if you meant to reply to me, but that’s what I have been saying, if it says it’s a rendering, I don’t see how it’s different.
Documentaries have had drawings, with a disclaimer that it is an artist rendering, for as long as I can remember. Or what about when they hire actors to do a “dramatization” of what happened, how is this different?
The quote above is in my first post in this thread. And to say a human can’t render as well as a machine, is arguable, but that isn’t what this is about.
So again, if people are told that it’s a rendering, regardless of who or what rendered it, what is the issue, and should all past documentaries with human renderings/reenactments not be called documentaries?
Again, how is this different from an artist rendering? There’s been artists creating digital media for documentaries for a long long time.
Just to play devil’s advocate, does that mean any “artist rendering” shouldn’t be in a documentary? Documentaries have had drawings, with a disclaimer that it is an artist rendering, for as long as I can remember. Or what about when they hire actors to do a “dramatization” of what happened, how is this different?
Single Female Lawyer, Fighting for her client, Wearing sexy miniskirts, And being self-reliant… hey, I’m pretty good
Black & White. A complete remaster and expansion of the original.
It sounds like a nightmare, but I’m sure the coke helped.
there would be no place to put a TV screen that’s visible from the whole seating
That was kind of the point, it was called a “conversation pit”
I just downloaded voyager, it has swipe actions. I’m still using sync, but I’m always looking for alternatives.
I think the real problem is guns got nerfed and at the same time, environmental hazards were introduced. I saw 3-4 reinforcements going to people hit by meteors. I think people will get used to it, but right now it’s kind of fun how it feels like early dives again, just utter chaos.
I keep hearing that, but I’ve not had luck with it as of yet. I need a few more dives to get the FT mechanics down, I think.
Practical and safe
I use proton coupled with my own domain and SimpleLogin (which is now merged with Proton) to create infinite custom email addresses in my domain. I then use filters to move the recipient address to folders and I can turn off one of my SL addresses if it’s compromised or sold and create a new one.
It still hurts