see a lot of people here talking about how its not really high temperature or being skeptical, but i would just like to point out that it doesnt matter, ceramic type superconductors with similar properties have been known about for decades and nothing has ever been done with them because they just arent useful for the things that metallic super conductors are used for, u cant make a cable out of this stuff and even if u could it would be too brittle to use, in the one picture of lk-99 that gets circulated everywhere u know their big media showcase picture they couldnt even make a full puck of it its that fucking brittle. IF this is true then it still is an interesting discovery that could lead to something but this is by no means the big super conductor breakthru that so many people are presenting it as, this aint the holy grail the holy grail would be this but metallic.
nothing apple ever has a normal price