My local is typically closed on Mondays, but opened today.
My local is typically closed on Mondays, but opened today.
Hunter Pence has multiple world series rings and had the goofiest throwing and batting style. Turns out he has a back condition that caused his thoracic vertebrae to fuse giving him basically zero flexibility through his mid spine. Also just a fun weird guy.
My sister calls my dog Bessie and I’m like, bitch she ain’t a cow. If you need more name than Bess her full name is Bessica.
To go a tad further, if you have chronic reflux there is the obvious discomfort caused by the feeling of acid creeping into your esophagus. Overtime, the acid can also do damage to the cells of your esophagus causing a condition called Barrett’s Esophagus. This is not dangerous in and of itself but is considered a precancerous condition and requires monitoring.