It feels like its less about the plan and more about the loudest voice
It feels like its less about the plan and more about the loudest voice
With a potential for an american invasion on the table, I wouldn’t want to cancel that deal without another similar plane deal lined up
Calls an emergency election in order to re-elect himself. Party proceeds to not provide a platform until the very last few days of voting. The overall provincial government sees very little change with low voter turn outs again
Why is he allowed to call an emergency election without significant reason? If justfiied, wouldn’t an emergency election have a relatively high voter turn out? How can the party that called for an election not have a platform published day 1? How is a guy who is currently being investigated by the RCMP for corruption even allowed to run until thats cleared up?
Maybe ndp would have more than 5% of the vote if people picked the candidate they actually want instead of voting strategically.
I heard so many people say “i like the NDP but i have to vote liberal or my vote is useless.” I say the number of NDP seats is proof that thinking is flawed. It may not have stopped the conservatives from winning but new ideas and fresh faces to fight for them can be progress.
Youth cannot vote and are often too young to realize just how valuable a free public education is (assuming that education is adequately funded). Its very important to vote in the interests of youth because they literally have no voice pollitically otherwise. As adults we can be quick to forget that we were once the youth going through school, and one day those youth may be caring for us in our old age.
Do you have any data or proof to back up your claim that private vehicles are safer than buses in your city? Buses running tires that slip could also be a symptom of underfunding, not an inherent flaw in buses. My car would slip too if i kept summers on it instead of quality winter tires. Buses tend to be much higher off the ground and much larger than everything else on the road, unless the bus rolls over most passengers would walk away with minor injuries in a collision.
This comment thread is about how cars shield you from the weather. I’d also rather tram part way and bike the rest if the conditions are nasty out.
Id rather be in a tram on rails in snowy conditions than in a private vehicle thats subject to slippery conditions and other vehicles hitting it. The tram if hit often has more mass and survives the hit better than a sedan would.
If he tried he may accidently crush them.
All these radio ads saying Doug Ford gets it done and hes the right choice to stand up to Trump yet here he is, attempting to secure some exclusive deal with the US instead of broadening Canada’s trading partners.
I wacthed it loop several times wondering what it was i was waiting for.
I won’t argue that the driver’s behavior is the main issue, however smaller and lighter vehicles with lowers hoods are more forgiving in accidents involving pedestrains and cyclists. The design of trucks and SUVs are more dangerous, which then makes agressive drivers even more dangerous as well. We’ll never be able to fully eliminate entitlement and roadrage, but we can limit the designs of vehicles on our streets and the lisencing requirements for them.
This seems to fit with the vibe of this community. A lot of us advocate for physical and systematic changes to the transportion system to reduce and prevent incidents like this. Protective infrastructure like protected lanes, lane narrowing, raised crossings and bollards are frequently mentioned alongside speed reductions and transit alternatives. We know people are humans and they are just existing within the systems and biases created, we want to build a better world where those systems are safer for everyone, not just the people enclosed in their high speed metal boxes.
By cutting healthcare and extensively fining anyone who owns a bicycle.
He deserves jail time for corruption and degradation of protected land
I like to keep one around if i need to clear an abandoned mineshaft. Sometimes its worth it as a way to reroll your enchants while still getting something you can use early on.
If that were true, wouldn’t the bane of arthopods enchantment deal extra damage to the dragon?
A big part of this is that it isn’t just a “housing problem”. Its a problem with the way we build, tax, zone, and maintain cities. Decades of unchecked suburban growth coupled with limiting density on top of our bulldozed cities has not been a good recipe. Solving the housing crisis isn’t as easy as paving over more farmland for suburban subdivisions, it means rethinking the entire way we structure our cities and how we get around them. Even current prices would technically be more affordable if we had more robust transit allowing more people to live car free without major sacrafices to their local mobility. On top of this, all 3 levels of governments have to get along to properly implement these changes, which adds delays and red tapes as a municipality argues against a province trying to follow federal direction and funding.
There is also the real issue that many homeowners are not willing to accept a 50% drop in home value, even when they say they want affordable housing. This might be able to be mitigated a bit if overpriced mortgages can be renegotiated for a lower value.
Nooo we can’t close the oil fields, the oil oligarchs will get mad!!!
Fuck off and grow a backbone. Develop policy where the companies can’t sue the government and the government can cancel the deal or alter regulations as needed. If oil is truly that profitable, its worth the risk.
In my province, the premier was able to prevent any lawsuit coming their way from injured cyclists after banning and removing bike lanes. Why do we let rich corporations walk all over us while only showing a backbone to our own populations? Allowing this to continue sets a dangerous precedent that laws and regulations only apply to those who can’t afford to sue against them.