Sorry, I must have skimmed too quickly and missed that.
Sorry, I must have skimmed too quickly and missed that.
Look for an expiration date. Radionucleotide style detectors end up failing with false positives when they reach end of life. You might need to have all the old ones replaced.
I lived in an area that was going to start strip mining for sand that was the right consistency for fracking. Plenty of conservatives were amongst the loudest opponents. There’s plenty of hypocracy, no need to exaggerate. Their reasons were not wanting to have so much heavy equipment on the roads and fear of silicosis, not opposing natural gas extraction.
And the
algorithmAI does magic to make our product more awesome than the competitor.
Yeah, the lack of formal definition of what is and is not considered ai definitely muddies the waters when talking about applications and capabilities.
Ai is already being incorporated into chip design tools like synopsys. TechTechPotato has an interesting interview with Aart de Geus that is relevant.
Ai is far off from making high level design improvements, but it can greatly reduce the workload on trace and route and other design steps.
The terrible state of online play ruined everything nintendo for me.
It definitely has aspects that could be considered magic, but I wouldn’t necessarily compare them to the Force.
Maybe for someone with a specific baking recipe in mind? One of the egg noodle recipes I like calls for about as many extra yolks as whole eggs. So I could probably just use these without waste or having to make a separate recipe to use up the whites. I’ve never seen this at stores near me either in the US.
Frozen food is processed way closer to where it’s grown as opposed to the produce that might be shipped across hemispheres before you get it. So frozen stuff tends to be more consistent in quality.
My parents are around 44 deg lat and their tomatoes do very well. It seems like something else must be limiting your success.
The threat of lawsuit is usually enough to get an employment offer rescinded. It’s rare for a company to want to take on a legal defense just to hire someone new. Even though they weren’t actually legally binding, non-competes still limited options for a lot of people.
Overall I agree with you that this isn’t as big of a deal as people make it sound, but it’s easy underestimate their influence if only looking at the result of cases that go to trial. In many situations, the damage is done well before a case can go to trial.
They were talking about your use of loose in place of lose.
0.064 million was so close to his goal of 1 million though. I bet the last two months would have really closed the gap. He only needed to double his money 4 times. /s
When considering shorting stocks it’s important to remember one of Keynes’ better quotes, “the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.”
Add in the glove box and that makes 5.
I’ve been to red lobster once and spent a very uncomfortable period of time on the porcelain throne shortly after. The news of bankruptcy does not surprise me.
Did anyone else see someone dressed in a witches outfit in the center rather than a camera with a cloth cover?
I think it parallels nicely with the DeLorean before Back to the Future made the DeLorean look cool.
Silicone? I suppose even sex toys need proper security these days.
No, the boomers with all their magic environment poisoning synthetic fabrics with antiwrinkle coatings did. The next seven generations will have microplastics in every part of their body, but I haven’t touched an iron in a while.