Are you high?
Are you high?
Alien is pretty high up on the list. The chest-buster scene was a bit much for this 8yr old. Next up would be the faces melting scene in Raiders.
If it was milk, you basically created tv static on a dead channel.
I’m one of those weirdos that you hear about but never see: Grape Nuts.
Just a thought - why don’t they make People Chow? It would be nice for those quick rush out the door days
Sure! My stepfather was a coal miner and brought home several fossils in coal when I was a kid. Ferns, tree bark, etc. I’ve lost track of them over the years, unfortunately.
I’ve actually been in a coal mine too. In my hometown, they have a decommissioned mine where they give tours.
Make sure that you cleaning routine is top to bottom. Wipe off the blinds, wipe the counters and appliances, moving down until the floor, which is last. Even if it isn’t perfect, it’s better than completely dirty, right? Progress is progress.
I have 2 dogs and a cat and have hard floors throughout. The roboVac runs twice per day and is always FULL when I empty it after every run. In addition my roboMop runs 3 days a week. My job at home is no longer cleaning but, roboTending 😂
But yes, taking off your shoes from outdoors is a must. We all keep a pair birks just for use inside.
For literally decades, it has been Stray Cat Strut. Although fairly recently, it has switched to Epic by Faith No More. The latter I cannot explain. The song is pretty terrible., and I’m not a fan of the band. It’s gotta mean something, right?
It would be totally worth the fines to dive tackle that motherfucker into a set of airport chairs.
I have a motion sensor mounted in front of the cat litter box, which triggers an exhaust fan and sends me a message - 🚨Cat Poo Alert! If you have a cat that eats/requires soft food, YOU KNOW.
Two items provide joy.
https://i.imgur.com/vyRR4.gif — a flaming kick to the neck
https://youtu.be/VdZNyqa5Lhw?si=qRjZVVvYbIraliN7 — blonde jihad
Eventually you get to the point where you age-out of joy. I mean, sure, you try to throw yourself into your work, try to squeeze some semblance of satisfaction out of that dried raisin of a career. But it’s never the same as it used to be. It’s hollow, just like you, and you hate all of it. But what else are you gonna do? So you do your time and go home and stare at the wall; you have no desire to watch tv because it’s all the same bullshit you’ve seen for years. When you do watch tv, usually with your spouse who is little more than a grumpy roommate now. The tv screen is transparent, and you see nothing but the studs in the wall. The family mills about, completely clueless to the misery you are living. Sure you laugh, but it’s without the twinkle in your eye that you once had. You tend to spend a lot more time in the bathroom staring at yourself in the mirror, telling yourself you want to blow your brains out, but never do. Sometimes you cry in isolation. Most of the time you are numb and you sit there in silence. Otherwise, you pretend to do stuff until nightfall. Finally. You down some sleeping pills, go to bed early, doom-scroll for a few hours until the meds kick in. Lights out. You wake a few hours later, before the rest of the fucking world it seems, muttering the word “fuck”. Not with the frolicking fun connotation of youth, but in utter despair that you awoke at all. Again. So you drag yourself to that mirror, brushing your teeth, put on that hollow smile and start the day over. repeat. And again. And again.
I’m sorry, what was the question?
Gross. Those hotdogs need to be grilled first.