I don’t think you’re coming off hostile at all! This isn’t my domain so I could be totally wrong. I’m open to feedback. Below is my thinking:
I feel like normally it’s the other way around though. People think they’re straight or convince themselves that they are straight because that’s the “norm” that society pushes on us.
Now has there ever been a case where it was reversed like in your example? Yea, probably. But I feel like it’s rare. I mean maybe someone grew up with gay friends and they try to convince themselves they’re gay because that’s what their friends are? Then they realize they’re straight? It’s possible. Just feels unlikely lol
Basically it just seemed odd that OP was like “my girlfriend used to be a lesbian and now she’s straight.” That just sounded sus to me. But of course we have like zero context here so who the fuck knows what really occurred.
What are you talking about? Any USA media that’s not right-wing is talking about how the US betrayed its allies.
Also maybe get your news from better sources rather than Lemmy which is incredibly left leaning, way way way way way more left than the general population of the country/world…
People seriously need to stop with this “i get my news from fucking social media” bullshit. Come on people…use your fucking brains.