Sync for Lemmy has a translation feature. You could try that.
Sync for Lemmy has a translation feature. You could try that.
Per the article, I wonder if they have to “mash” the thumb, or if they can simply press it? 🙄
I thought they were going to respond and say, “you owe us a new desk,” lol
They’re in Facebook too
When working on an office, it’s great and all that you have “the power of accurate observation” but god our Debbie downer is insufferable.
Just think of your computer or server as a huge building with thousands of doors. Most are closed, but you purposely open a few to allow traffic in and/or out of. Those that are open are only open for a specific purpose and will only lead in or out of a specific place in the building.
I don’t know the economics, truly, but there are a LOT more expenses involved in running a large business like Uber on top of driver wages, such as technology service and hardware costs, programmers and central admin/customer service, rent or cost of buildings including utilities, insurance, taxes, fees, consulting and auditing, cybersecurity, legal, and probably quite a bit more I can’t think of. Running a business is friggin expensive.
Definitely not defending paying workers less, just trying to explain why they still might not be in the black even in your scenario.
I think NM is ok, but we Coloradoans fuckin’ LOVE our flag.
No none of that is the reason why, it’s just because they and you are racist! /s
She looks a bit like Audrey Hepburn in this shot.
If you’ve ever read atlas shrugged and not rolled your eyes or went, “god this is insufferable” then you might be a Republican lol.
I fuckin HATE ayn rand, but those workers are being paid for their labor, they’re not slaves. If that labor provides a little profit or a lot of profit is up to good or bad business practices of the company they’re working for, and doesn’t need to be shared with them outright, unless it happens naturally as a result of supply/demand making their labor more valuable (because otherwise they’d just go somewhere else where they will be paid more).
The crux here is that for this to happen appropriately, we need to be living in an ideal world with appropriate laws, no corruption, exploitation, loopholes, bribing, lobbying, etc. and we do not currently live in that world, so the above is just theoretical.
Hot take: I have never regretted being circumcized and never met anyone who regretted being circumcized so banning it doesn’t make sense for that reason alone. Some parents pierce their children’s ears without their consent, some give them frenectomies, pull teeth, reshape heads, bind feet, or do a variety of other “elective” procedures so I’m not sure why circumcision has so much hate.
Dude you’re arguing opposite your position. The internal consistency of your argument has broken down.
You say above you’re against a rule like “no one else can have orange stuff because I don’t like orange stuff” while at the same time arguing “everyone else has to like pets because I like pets.” Can’t you see how that’s hypocritical?
And to be clear, you completely misrepresent my position in the first place. I’m not for requiring anyone to do anything. I’m against requiring landlords to allow pets. If they want to allow pets, great 👍.
But if a property owner wants to advertise their community as quieter (no barking), cleaner, with less poop and pee on the grass, and less dander in the air, then why would you prohibit renters from seeking a nicer place like that for them to live?
Pets don’t need to be “part of the human experience” any more than drugs do. They’re optional and some people choose to have them and some don’t. Some people don’t like pets and don’t want to be forced to live around others’ pets.
Have you even thought for a second that some people might CHOOSE housing based on the fact that a community doesn’t allow pets? And by “mandating all landlords allow pets” you are eliminating housing options for these people? God you people are like religious zealots and think everyone should be forced to believe in the same things you do.
Friggin crazy fascists. “You’re going to like my pitbull (oh he’s harmless and you’re dog-racist if you believe otherwise) and now I want to force you to raise your kids around my untrained shit factory and step in his crap and listen to him bark constantly or you’re a horrible person.”
Holy hell I hate you with the passion of a thousand suns.
Not all humans want pets. And those humans don’t like to be forced to live among other people’s pets.
Maybe he can sign an EO to make DST permanent.