Thank you for proompting an excellent comment with a suffiecient amont of bulletpoints.
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Thank you for proompting an excellent comment with a suffiecient amont of bulletpoints.
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Yes its fantastic 👍🦾
Brave browser is the solution.
You address this to tankies. I see very few of them around here these days.
Cringe karma post.
Based on a super niche subset of chronically online youth - this applies to everyone. 🤪
Definitely not on one of the most marginal, leftleaning comment boards that is lemmy
“We”? I’m not even from USA … And I doubt many Lemmy commenters voted for biden in primaries.
Put your big boy pants on and stop whining when people point out that you are wrong morally on a given issue.
Sometimes life isn’t fair 🥲😲
Mean-spirited comment. Downvoted… 🙄
Mainly UK and its derivatives… (USA, Canada, Australia 😄)
How is voting for a marginal unknown 3rd candidate going to upend the US electoral system, I’m so curious…
Instead of dreaming look at the general population. How many people who vote do you think actually care about this. Sure they might not like the politicians but do they actually want to change the system? I don’t think so.
Amusing to see commenters who think Biden primary voters are reading forums on Lemmy and are still venting their grudges 4 years later… 🤣
Electoral systems is a pretty nerdy topic (despite how important it is for who gets power), so it is not an issue the typical voter cares for. Therefore there is not enough political capital for such large reforms to be taken on by politicians.
That ship has sailed now bud. Now its trump or biden and that is what the meme is referring to.
These comments are copy pasta perfection. Best part they are unironic 🤣😍
Silly strawman caricature of reasonable argumentation.
“Well I think its OK for me to beat my wife, so you shouldn’t mind me doing so.”
Quite different in this case, yet it follows a similar logic. Things can unaffect you diferectly, yet still be wrong.
Using the obscene ice cream example is a unsophisticated attempt to discredit this line of reasoning.
Where did I shill for uber? LOL
Great rebuttal not stooping to ad hominem. 🙄😅
Good one love it
Yes a world without dildos, bananas, murder and war will also exist because some unqualified withful moron said so on an online comment board.
you missed communism