They said extend the sentence, not murder him.
They said extend the sentence, not murder him.
Oh, so the sister and the mother should go on a murder tour. Kyle provided a roadmap to follow and the justice system approved it.
Does it involve a tardigrade and a string instrument?
Can’t Kyle just go on another murder tour? That should raise them some money.
LMAO, let me get this straight. You want me to pay for the privilege of being spied on. We really did jump timelines. Fuck all these greedy companies.
I mean, Sony has a history of abandoning its peripherals. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to no one that owned a PSP or the PS Vita or the Eyetoy, or the PSP Go, or the PlayStation TV. VR is just another casualty in a long line of abandoned peripherals.
But if I keep my mouth shut how will I assert that I am the most important human on the planet?
I don’t care if Biden’s lead rises to 3,141,592,653 points. GET OUT AND VOTE!!! Make sure you are registered, get your friends to check their registration, go and vote when the time comes. Democracy is literally in our hands.
That’s fucking perfect!
The one from Saw. He just needs the spirals on his cheeks. Now I can’t unsee it.
Edit: Roger Stone taking a well deserved break.
Every day this fucker looks more and more like a fucking corpse but it just won’t die.
And the march towards fascism continues unabated. If anything, it seems to be intensifying.
My Republican co workers hooked on Facebook repeating these lies in 3, 2, 1…
Goddamn this motherfucker is stupid. I bet his audience ate that shit right up and then asked for more.
Yeah, this is all good and everything, but every time I do this they want to kick me out of Home Depot.
I was stationed on Ft. Moore back when it was called Ft. Benning. During our yearly Victory Focus excersize one of our soldiers lost his M-16 rifle. The entire base went on lock down. No one was allowed in or out of the base and since it was a member of our unit that lost the rifle we were not allowed to return from the field until it was found. I can’t remember how many days went by before it was found buried in a foxhole. I just learned from a friend on Ft. Moore that the base is not on lock down at the moment. This leads me to believe they have a pretty good idea as to where those weapons are. What I cannot understand is how they got stolen in the first place. These weapons, when not in use, are kept in secure facilities. It’s not like anyone, including a soldier stationed on the base can just walk in and take them. Which is why I think CID already has some leads. Godspeed to the thieves, Uncle Sam will always get the last laugh.
I didn’t think it had enough power to run VR. I’m going to have to do some tinkering.
Hold up, hold up. When you say that you’re installing Alyx but it might be too much for your deck, are you implying that you have played VR games using your steam deck?
I’m not doubting you, just looking for confirmation. Thanks!
It doesn’t matter what they think. They’re going to coalesce around this pus filled boil and form the usual carbuncle. Get out and vote because at the end of the day they’re going to vote for Trump anyways.
We won’t because we’re asleep at the wheel. Don’t worry though, we will finally wake up when Trump enters his third term. It’ll be too late to do anything about it but at least we’ll be awake.